تفاصيل المنتج
تعزّز أحرف غوتشي جمالها المنحوت بإدخال حجمَين جديدَين. وتشمل مجموعة المجوهرات العصرية التي تأتي باللون الأصفر بلمسات نهائية باللون الذهبي وباللون الوردي بلمسات نهائية باللون الذهبي أساور وقلادات وأقراط وحيدة وخواتم على شكل حلقات. تتميّز هذه القلادة المصنوعة من المعدن بلمسات نهائية باللون الذهبي بشعار Gucci المنحوت.
- Gold-toned metal
- Glass pearls
- Gucci script
- Clasp closure
- Adjustable length from 38 to 45cm
- Made in Italy
- Gucci guarantees, internally and within its supply chain, respect for standards of Social & Environmental Responsibility in line with its sustainability strategy.
구찌는 제품 제작 시 소재 선택에 신중을 기울입니다. 제품의 수명을 연장하기 위해 취급에 주의하여 주시기 바랍니다.
- 본 제품은 국제 규정에 따라 저자극성 소재를 사용하여 제작되었습니다.
- 부드러운 천으로 닦아낸 뒤 다른 제품과 분리하여 따로 보관하시기 바랍니다.
خيارات الدفع
Gucci accepts the following forms of payment for online purchases:
Please note that your billing address must match the address on your credit card statement. At this time we do not accept Gucci gift cards.
Once your order is placed your credit card will be authorized for $1 for verification purposes. The authorised amount will be released by your credit card’s issuing bank according to its policy. The full transaction value will be charged to your credit card after we have verified your card details, received credit authorisation, confirmed availability and prepared your order for shipping. For Made To Order, DIY, personalised and selected Décor products, payment will be taken at the time the order is placed.
أغلفة غوتشي

غلاف الدار المميّز والحصري باللون الأحمر Rosso Ancora، لون من اختيار المخرج الإبداعي. يُرجى الملاحظة، الصور مجرّد نماذج.