이메일 및 비밀번호가 정확하지 않습니다. 다시 한번 시도해 보시거나 '비밀번호 찾기'를 통해 비밀번호를 재설정 하시기 바랍니다.
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The new vision for the House.
Creative Director Sabato De Sarno pays homage to fashion photography with the new Gucci Ancora campaign, his first for the House presenting his debut Spring Summer 2024 collection captured by David Sims’ iconic lens, the photographer with which Sabato worked when he started in fashion, and worn by five new faces—Ana, Fadia, Jiahui, Nyajuok and Violet.

The campaign sees the woman through the clothes, and not vice versa, as each portrays sensuality as an attitude of confidence, beauty, and freedom. No matter where, no matter what time of day, the Gucci Spring Summer 2024 wardrobe is an invitation for each woman to feel empowered to live exactly in her own unique way; an invitation to fall in love with that special emotion fashion inspires, ancora.

Creative Director: Sabato De Sarno
Artistic Director: Riccardo Zanola
Photographer: David Sims
Stylist: Alastair McKimm
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Sabato De Sarno presents his first collection and the new faces of the House in the Gucci Ancora campaign for Spring Summer 2024.Gucci Ancora: <br>Spring Summer 2024

Sabato De Sarno presents his first collection and the new faces of the House in the Gucci Ancora campaign for Spring Summer 2024.Gucci Ancora: <br>Spring Summer 2024
Sabato De Sarno presents his first collection and the new faces of the House in the Gucci Ancora campaign for Spring Summer 2024.Gucci Ancora: <br>Spring Summer 2024
Sabato De Sarno presents his first collection and the new faces of the House in the Gucci Ancora campaign for Spring Summer 2024.Gucci Ancora: <br>Spring Summer 2024
Sabato De Sarno presents his first collection and the new faces of the House in the Gucci Ancora campaign for Spring Summer 2024.Gucci Ancora: <br>Spring Summer 2024
Sabato De Sarno presents his first collection and the new faces of the House in the Gucci Ancora campaign for Spring Summer 2024.Gucci Ancora: <br>Spring Summer 2024
Sabato De Sarno presents his first collection and the new faces of the House in the Gucci Ancora campaign for Spring Summer 2024.Gucci Ancora: <br>Spring Summer 2024
Sabato De Sarno presents his first collection and the new faces of the House in the Gucci Ancora campaign for Spring Summer 2024.Gucci Ancora: <br>Spring Summer 2024
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