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Sac à langer Suprême GG taille moyenne
KR 19.850

Sac à langer Suprême GG taille moyenne

KR 19.850


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Our Commitment

Gucci upholds the highest international standards of social and environmental responsibility across all its operations. From selecting and tracing raw materials to designing and crafting our products, we prioritize a "circular" approach that maintains our longstanding commitment to unparalleled quality and durability.

Through ongoing innovation and optimization of our production processes, we strive to minimize the environmental footprint of our business and the entire supply chain. Our approach involves transforming our sourcing strategy by investing in regenerative agriculture projects for the production of the raw materials used in our collections. To compensate for any remaining emissions from our direct operations and the entire supply chain, we collaborate with different partners, investing in projects focused on conserving nature and restoring biodiversity.

For more information, please visit @gucciequilibrium

Sac à langer Suprême GG taille moyenne
Our Commitment

Gucci upholds the highest international standards of social and environmental responsibility across all its operations. From selecting and tracing raw materials to designing and crafting our products, we prioritize a "circular" approach that maintains our longstanding commitment to unparalleled quality and durability.

Through ongoing innovation and optimization of our production processes, we strive to minimize the environmental footprint of our business and the entire supply chain. Our approach involves transforming our sourcing strategy by investing in regenerative agriculture projects for the production of the raw materials used in our collections. To compensate for any remaining emissions from our direct operations and the entire supply chain, we collaborate with different partners, investing in projects focused on conserving nature and restoring biodiversity.

For more information, please visit @gucciequilibrium

Product Details

Stile ‎211131 KGDIG 8588

GG Supreme canvas diaper bag, designed with multiple pockets and fold-out changing mat.

  • Beige/ebony GG Supreme with brown leather trim
  • Fold-out padded changing mat (25"L x 13.5"H)
  • Side pockets and large pocket on front and back
  • Adjustable shoulder strap with stroller snaps, with 21" drop
  • Flap closure
  • 17.3"W x 11"H x 5.5"D
  • Made in Italy

Les produits Gucci sont fabriqués dans des matériaux sélectionnés avec la plus grande attention. Pour garantir la longévité du produit, veuillez le traiter avec soin.

  • Conservez-le à l'abri des rayons directs du soleil, de la chaleur et de la pluie. S'il vient à être mouillé, séchez-le immédiatement avec un chiffon doux
  • Remplissez le sac à main de papier de soie afin que le sac conserve sa forme et que le papier absorbe l'humidité, puis rangez-le dans la pochette de protection en flanelle fournie
  • Ne transportez pas de produits lourds qui risqueraient de déformer le sac
  • Pour le nettoyer, utilisez un chiffon doux et sec

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Per informazioni sul prodotto e ordini online chiamaci al numero:
‎+32 28804463
Our Client Advisors are available to answer your call from Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 7 pm, Central European Time.

To reach our online Client Assistants by email, click "email us" to provide details and your contact information.

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