Die GG Marmont Tasche zählt zu den Signature-Designs von Gucci. Ihr Markenzeichen ist das Doppel G aus den Archiven, das erstmals in den 1970er-Jahren in Erscheinung trat. Die beiden Großbuchstaben im Namen der Tasche beziehen sich auf das unverkennbare Logo, das in Form eines Schmuckteils auf der Vorderseite präsentiert wird. Aus weichem Matelassé-Leder gefertigt, ist diese elegante Handtasche ein Sinnbild für florentinische Handwerkskunst.
- 제조자: 구찌
- 제조국: 이태리
- 수입자: 구찌코리아
- 토프 마틀라세 쉐브론 레더
- 라이트 골드 톤 메탈 장식
- 더블 G
- 품질보증기준: A/S 보증기간 2년(상품 이상 시 무상수선, 고객의 부주의로 판단되는 경우 유상수선)
- AS 유선접수: 클라이언트서비스 02-3452-1921 / clientservice.kr@gucci.com
- 내부 지퍼 포켓
- 슬라이딩 체인 스트랩은 55cm 드롭 숄더 스트랩 혹은 30cm 드롭 탑 핸들 형태로 착용 가능함.
- 스프링 클로저가 달린 플랩
- 무게: 약 0.648kg
- 스몰 사이즈: 가로 26cm x 세로 15cm x 너비 7cm
- 수납 한도: 아이폰 프로 맥스/플러스, 에어팟, 장지갑, 립스틱
Gucci products are made with carefully selected materials. Please handle with care for longer product life.
- Protect from direct light, heat and rain. Should it become wet, dry it immediately with a soft cloth
- Fill the bag with tissue paper to help maintain its shape and absorb humidity, and store in the provided flannel bag
- Do not carry heavy products that may affect the shape of the bag
- Clean with a soft, dry cloth
Gucci accepts the following forms of payment for online purchases:
The full transaction value will be charged to your credit card after we have verified your card details, received credit authorization, confirmed stock availability and prepared your order for shipping.
For more information about payment, visit our FAQs Section.
Gucci Verpackung

Die charakteristische Verpackung des Hauses ist im Rotton Rosso Ancora gehalten. Wählen Sie während des Bestellvorgangs eine unserer speziellen Verpackungsoptionen aus, um Ihre Bestellung zu personalisieren. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Bilder lediglich eine Vorstellung vermitteln.