이메일 및 비밀번호가 정확하지 않습니다. 다시 한번 시도해 보시거나 '비밀번호 찾기'를 통해 비밀번호를 재설정 하시기 바랍니다.
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From The Savoy hotel in London to a snowy mountain getaway and a cozy home for the holidays, the last stop of the Gucci Gift campaign travels back to the House’s founding city, where it all began. 
An inimitable cast, comprising an array of Global Brand Ambassadors and friends of the House, is portrayed – at times with their loved ones - within intimate vignettes set against diverse backdrops. Envisioned by Creative Director Sabato De Sarno, the Gucci Gift campaign tells an evocative story of love as joyful moments shared with those we call family, whether by birth or by choice, become meaningful memories. Distinctive chapters play out in a jubilant crescendo, each telling their own unique story, thematically and aesthetically, while seamlessly interconnected to the next, bound by the campaign’s overarching narrative of togetherness and love. 

Creative Director: Sabato De Sarno
Artistic Director: Riccardo Zanola
Director: Marcell Rev
Campaign Photographer: Anthony Seklaoui 
Still Life Photographers: Deo Suveera & Pamela Dimitrov 
Stylist: Francesca Burns 
Casting: Piergiorgio Del Moro 
Music: Blondie – I Feel Love (live 1980) 
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The Gucci Gift four-chapter campaign unfolds in a special video that portrays the simple beauty of genuine connection that resonates long after festivities fade.Gucci Gift: The Holiday Campaign
The Gucci Gift four-chapter campaign unfolds in a special video that portrays the simple beauty of genuine connection that resonates long after festivities fade.Gucci Gift: The Holiday Campaign
The Gucci Gift four-chapter campaign unfolds in a special video that portrays the simple beauty of genuine connection that resonates long after festivities fade.Gucci Gift: The Holiday Campaign
The Gucci Gift four-chapter campaign unfolds in a special video that portrays the simple beauty of genuine connection that resonates long after festivities fade.Gucci Gift: The Holiday Campaign
The Gucci Gift four-chapter campaign unfolds in a special video that portrays the simple beauty of genuine connection that resonates long after festivities fade.Gucci Gift: The Holiday Campaign
The Gucci Gift four-chapter campaign unfolds in a special video that portrays the simple beauty of genuine connection that resonates long after festivities fade.Gucci Gift: The Holiday Campaign
The Gucci Gift four-chapter campaign unfolds in a special video that portrays the simple beauty of genuine connection that resonates long after festivities fade.Gucci Gift: The Holiday Campaign
The Gucci Gift four-chapter campaign unfolds in a special video that portrays the simple beauty of genuine connection that resonates long after festivities fade.Gucci Gift: The Holiday Campaign
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