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Mattia Agazzi chef de cuisine of Gucci Osteria da Massimo Bottura in Beverly Hills doesn’t subscribe to the belief that one must stir a risotto in only the same direction, but he does recommend to not flood a risotto with broth else it will overcook without properly releasing the starch that gives it its creamy texture. His Risotto alla Parmagiana is created with a rich broth, and plenty of aged Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese for flavour.
 “The flavored butter and parmigiano in this risotto are like what love is for life, they amalgamate the rice together and make it one dish, one emotion.”
Ingredients for 4 people

• 300 g Carnaroli rice
• 150 g 24 month grated Parmigiano Reggiano
For the broth:
• 4 liters of water
• 150 g carrots
• 150 g celery
• 150 g white onion
• 600 g beef shoulder
• 1 bay leaf
• 5 peppercorns
For sour butter:
• 150 g white wine
• 150 g soft butter
• 50 g shallots
Clean the carrots and celery and cut them into cubes. Clean the onion, cut it in half and put it to toast for a few minutes in a pan, then cut it into cubes. To make the broth, fill a pot with cold water, add the onion skins, put the diced vegetables, peppercorns and meat. Simmer on low heat for 3 hours. After three hours, strain the broth and then put it back in the pot to keep it warm.
Nel frattempo, prepariamo il burro acido montato: tritare lo scalogno e cuocerlo per 10/15 minuti a fiamma bassa con 30 g di burro e una foglia di alloro, poi versare il vino e farlo ridurre fino ad 1/3 circa. Una volta ridotto il vino, passare il composto al setaccio e incorporare a poco a poco ciò che è filtrato con il resto del burro. Utilizzare una frusta per ottenere una crema ben montata e lasciarla riposare in frigo.
In the meantime, prepare the sour whipped butter: chop the shallots and cook for 10/15 minutes on a low flame with 30 g of butter and a bay leaf, then pour the wine and reduce it to about 1/3. Once the wine is reduced, pass the mixture through a sieve and gradually incorporate what is filtered with the rest of the butter. Use a whisk to obtain a well-whipped cream and let it rest in the fridge.
Toast the rice in a pan with a pinch of salt, once hot add two ladles of broth so as to cover the rice and cook it. Continue adding broth a little at a time, being careful to incorporate all the rice grains, for 15 minutes. Remove the risotto from the heat and let it rest for a minute, then start stirring by adding the sour butter and stirring energetically. Add the Parmesan a little at a time and continue stirring. Season with salt and serve. Finish as desired with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
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Mattia Agazzi Makes Risotto alla Parmigiana
Mattia Agazzi Makes Risotto alla Parmigiana
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