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Karime López chef de cuisine of Gucci Osteria in Florence, makes tacos. Read more for the recipe.
“Everyone asks me what’s my favorite dish. It’s tacos, and what I love about making them is you can adapt to what you have in the fridge and they instantly become this delicious meal. Tacos dorados it’s a different version by giving them a crispy texture combined with fresh ingredients on the plate.”


• 4 corn tortillas
• Cooked chicken, minced meat, mashed potato with cheese, cooked vegetables
• Thinly sliced lettuce 
• Stracchino or another soft cheese (I used stracchino because in Mexico we use crema and queso fresco, and in Italy it is the closest flavor and texture for what I want)
• Salsa: any type you have or salsa verde
• Sunflower seed or vegetable oil 
Warm the tortillas to prevent them breaking, then put filling on top, roll them, keeping the last part tucked under. Warm up a pan with oil, put the tacos with the folded edge under so is doesn’t unfold. When it’s getting gold and crispy turn over the tacos so it can start cooking the other side. When you have an even crust, place aside in kitchen paper to absorb the oil. Put the salsa, stracchino cheese and lettuce on top, you can replace salsa with guacamole or pico de gallo. You can pimp your tacos with your favorite toppings or what you have in your quarantine fridge!
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Cooking at home with Karime López, chef de cuisine of Gucci Osteria in Florence, who makes tacos.Karime López Makes Tacos Dorados
Cooking at home with Karime López, chef de cuisine of Gucci Osteria in Florence, who makes tacos.Karime López Makes Tacos Dorados
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