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Mexico is a gig Australian singer-songwriter Alex Cameron has always wanted to perform.
For #GucciGig’s artist-musician collaboration series Alex Cameron worked with artist Jemima Kirke, collaborator and partner, and Australian musician Jack Ladder to create posters which replicate homemade fan art demanding he tours Mexico, for his ardent audience waiting there.

“A lotta people write to me, telling me ‘come to Mexico.’ I only wish I had the resources and local know-how to put on a show there. I’m gonna get there one day. Until then, I saw this #GucciGig campaign as an opportunity to assure everyone that I want to ‘come to Mexico’ just as much as they want me to. Jemima’s collage keeps my eyes moving in fascinating directions, a feeling similar to traveling the world over multiple times a year.”

In the images, Alex Cameron wears 1970s-inspired black Gucci sunglasses, their aviator silhouette adding a distinguished, retro edge.

His latest single, ‘Miami Memory’, plays into this very same vibe. In his slick, velvety voice, he sings of memories made in the present tense. His lyrics create visions of romance, decadence and late nights that linger in the mind long after the fact.

Alex’s music blends together grand 1980s pop anthems by the likes of Roxy Music or Duran Duran with a contemporary sensibility. Overall, Alex Cameron sounds like the soundtrack to the movie you could be living right now: long summer nights, collisions with beautiful strangers, and the feeling of a beautiful moment that might last forever. — Ana Kinsella

Discover Alex Cameron’s playlist on Gucci’s new Spotify profile, ‘Blue Eyes’.
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Alex Cameron works with Jack Ladder on DIY #GucciGig posters that implore him to come to Mexico. Alex Cameron<br>for #GucciGig

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