Gucci Jackie 1961 small shoulder bag
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相关款式 (7)
款式 810232 AADDX 1060
这款全新Jackie 1961系列肩背包采用优质皮革匠心打造,诠释品牌经典肩背包的精湛工艺、新月造型和时尚设计。浅金色调配件、皮革滚边和附加条纹包带结合,为这款以黑色皮革打造而成的Jackie 1961系列小号肩背包带来更多穿搭可能。
- 黑色皮革
- 浅金色调皮革
- 皮革衬里
- 内部:一个拉链袋,饰Gucci徽章拉链头
- 提手(18厘米高)
- 可拆卸织带肩带(52厘米高)另配皮革肩带(25.6厘米高)
- 推入式锁扣开合
- 重量:约0.4千克
- 小号尺寸:27.5厘米(宽)x 19厘米(高)x 4厘米(深)
- 意大利创作
- 模特身高178厘米
- 最大可容纳:iPhone Pro Max/Plus、Airpods耳机、长款钱包和唇膏
Gucci products are made with carefully selected materials. Please handle with care for longer product life.
- Protect from direct light, heat and rain. Should it become wet, dry it immediately with a soft cloth
- Fill the bag with tissue paper to help maintain its shape and absorb humidity, and store in the provided flannel bag
- Do not carry heavy products that may affect the shape of the bag
- Clean with a soft, dry cloth