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Guests for the Gucci Cruise 2020 fashion show received a card asking them to visit a centuries-old book store in Rome. 
Among Antica Libreria Cascianelli’s wooden shelves stacked with rare books, objets d’art, antiques and prints, the invitees exchanged their card for a package containing an antique book in Greek or Latin. The book is the invitation to the show held at Rome’s Capitoline Museums, and features a quote by historian and archeologist Paul Veyne.

“Car seule l'antiquité païenne éveillat mon désir, parce que c'était le monde d'avant, parce que c'était un monde aboli.”

“Only pagan antiquity awakened my desire, because it was an advanced world, because it was an abolished world.”
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Discovering the Cruise 2020 fashion show invitation in a special location in Rome, Antica Liberia Cascianelli.Finding the Gucci Cruise 2020 Fashion Show Invitation

Discovering the Cruise 2020 fashion show invitation in a special location in Rome, Antica Liberia Cascianelli.Finding the Gucci Cruise 2020 Fashion Show Invitation
  • Quote from Paul Veyne's 'Et dans l'étérnité je ne m'ennuerai pas' © Editions Albin Michel 2014
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