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Artists and talents who have collaborated with the House connect their artistic style and individuality to the customizable Ophidia tote and Ace sneakers.
The project embodies the philosophy of Gucci DIY: championing the idea of self-expression. Using mediums of painting, photography, digital drawings and installations, the 12 creatives include Angelica Hicks, Ignasi Monreal, Soko, Unskilled Worker, Jayde Fish, Phannapast, Adrian Kozakiewicz, William Ndatila, Trouble Andrew, Coco Capitán, Alex Merry and Amanda Charchian. Each work tells a story about the artist and the accessory, which can be personalized exclusively on with initials.
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Interpreted by creatives, new Gucci DIY accessories.Imagining Gucci DIY

  • Phannapast @phannapast
Interpreted by creatives, new Gucci DIY accessories.Imagining Gucci DIY
  • Phannapast @phannapast
Interpreted by creatives, new Gucci DIY accessories.Imagining Gucci DIY
  • Amanda Charchian @amanda_charchian
Interpreted by creatives, new Gucci DIY accessories.Imagining Gucci DIY
  • Trevor Andrew @troubleandrew
Interpreted by creatives, new Gucci DIY accessories.Imagining Gucci DIY
  • SOKO @sokothecat
Interpreted by creatives, new Gucci DIY accessories.Imagining Gucci DIY
  • SOKO @sokothecat
Interpreted by creatives, new Gucci DIY accessories.Imagining Gucci DIY
  • Alex Merry @alexmerryart
Interpreted by creatives, new Gucci DIY accessories.Imagining Gucci DIY
  • Alex Merry @alexmerryart
Interpreted by creatives, new Gucci DIY accessories.Imagining Gucci DIY

  • Willy Ndatila @williamcult
Interpreted by creatives, new Gucci DIY accessories.Imagining Gucci DIY
  • Jayde Fish @mrsjaydefish
Interpreted by creatives, new Gucci DIY accessories.Imagining Gucci DIY
  • Jayde Fish @mrsjaydefish
Interpreted by creatives, new Gucci DIY accessories.Imagining Gucci DIY
  • Adrian Kozakiewicz @insecthaus_adi
Interpreted by creatives, new Gucci DIY accessories.Imagining Gucci DIY
  • Angelica Hicks @angelicahicks
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