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A portrait of a city that is deeply devoted to design.
The second fashion show by Creative Director Sabato De Sarno brings ‘Gucci Prospettive 2: Ancora Milano,’ the next volume in his publication series pursuing and underscoring the conversation between art and fashion. Curated by Paola Antonelli from The Museum of Modern Art, the second edition follows the first by looking at the Milanese point of view, but this time with Paola’s focus on architecture and design. In her introduction she states, “This experiment is indeed the result of a dialogue between two states of mind, between Sabato De Sarno and me, both in Milan intermittently, but both always comfortably ‘Milanese’ in our approach to design, in our love of contrast, subtlety, and the surprise.”
Together, Paola and Sabato look at the city as a crib of design systems, whose stratification gives life to the Milanese identity. “We were inspired by the idea of frictions and attritions, contrasting flashes of brutalism with visions of commercial, entrepreneurial, and industrial refinement, exploring the clichés of bourgeois elegance without discounting the more complex and radical nuances that make it quintessentially Milanese,” explains Paola. Through photographs and words, the exploration thus becomes a layered exchange on how physical spaces and objects shape the perspectives of those who inhabit and use them. 
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عرض الأزياء الثاني من ابتكار المخرج الإبداعي ساباتو دي سارنو Sabato De Sarno يقدّم

عرض الأزياء الثاني من ابتكار المخرج الإبداعي ساباتو دي سارنو Sabato De Sarno يقدّم
  • Gatto Verde Reportage,
    Milano, 16.11.2023
    Photo © Emanuele Finardi / Gatto Verde
عرض الأزياء الثاني من ابتكار المخرج الإبداعي ساباتو دي سارنو Sabato De Sarno يقدّم
  • Karina Castro
    Interior of the residential complex Monte Amiata Housing,
    in the Gallaratese district of Milan,
    designed in 1967 by Carlo Aymonino and Aldo Rossi
    Photo © Karina Castro
عرض الأزياء الثاني من ابتكار المخرج الإبداعي ساباتو دي سارنو Sabato De Sarno يقدّم
  • Gatto Verde Reportage, <
    Milano, 16.11.2023
    Photo © Francesco Saverio Tani / Gatto Verde
عرض الأزياء الثاني من ابتكار المخرج الإبداعي ساباتو دي سارنو Sabato De Sarno يقدّم
  • Fabio Natta, Elvira Pavesi
    Chiesa San Giovanni Bono, Milano, 2019
    Photo © Fabio Natta, Elvira Pavesi
عرض الأزياء الثاني من ابتكار المخرج الإبداعي ساباتو دي سارنو Sabato De Sarno يقدّم
  • Fabio Natta, Elvira Pavesi
    Via Bartolomeo D’Alviano, residential building, Milano, 2019
    Photo © Fabio Natta, Elvira Pavesi
عرض الأزياء الثاني من ابتكار المخرج الإبداعي ساباتو دي سارنو Sabato De Sarno يقدّم

  • Gallaratese district,
    Milan, 1970s
    Photo © Universal Images Group North
    America LLC / Alamy Foto Stock
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