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308 Lucy Dark Orange, rossetto Rouge à Lèvres Mat

308 Lucy Dark Orange, rossetto Rouge à Lèvres Mat


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Our Commitment

Gucci upholds the highest international standards of social and environmental responsibility across all its operations. From selecting and tracing raw materials to designing and crafting our products, we prioritize a "circular" approach that maintains our longstanding commitment to unparalleled quality and durability.

Through ongoing innovation and optimization of our production processes, we strive to minimize the environmental footprint of our business and the entire supply chain. Our approach involves transforming our sourcing strategy by investing in regenerative agriculture projects for the production of the raw materials used in our collections. To compensate for any remaining emissions from our direct operations and the entire supply chain, we collaborate with different partners, investing in projects focused on conserving nature and restoring biodiversity.

For more information, please visit @gucciequilibrium

308 Lucy Dark Orange, rossetto Rouge à Lèvres Mat
Our Commitment

Gucci upholds the highest international standards of social and environmental responsibility across all its operations. From selecting and tracing raw materials to designing and crafting our products, we prioritize a "circular" approach that maintains our longstanding commitment to unparalleled quality and durability.

Through ongoing innovation and optimization of our production processes, we strive to minimize the environmental footprint of our business and the entire supply chain. Our approach involves transforming our sourcing strategy by investing in regenerative agriculture projects for the production of the raw materials used in our collections. To compensate for any remaining emissions from our direct operations and the entire supply chain, we collaborate with different partners, investing in projects focused on conserving nature and restoring biodiversity.

For more information, please visit @gucciequilibrium

Product Details

Stile ‎611234 9PL12 9388

Rouge à Lèvres Mat presents a collection of intensely-hued lip colours with a long-lasting matte finish. Specially formulated with rich pigment and gelling waxes, the lipstick delivers vibrant colour with a soft, velvety feel. A range of brilliantly coloured shades are inspired by iconic Hollywood movies and characters from the gilded era. The bold colour palette speaks to the eccentric and free-spirited mood of the House's collections—an unconfined and unlimited form of self-expression—with each lipstick encased within precious gold-toned packaging etched with an engraved design.

  • 308 Lucy Dark Orange
  • Matte finish lipstick
  • Saturated with pigment for intense, long-wearing colour
  • Moisturizing formula contains a mix of pigment and gelling waxes that provide a lightweight finish that enhances the true clarity of the colour's shade
  • Floral fragrance with violet notes and a soft, fruity scent
  • Dermatologically tested
  • Inspired by vintage designs, recalling an era when lipstick cases were envisioned as objects of art and decoration, the item is presented in a gold-toned tube etched with a decorative linear pattern
  • The lipsticks within all of the collections can be layered and blended to create new colours and finishes
  • 21.5 mm x 72 mm x 21.5 mm
  • Please note, returns on this item will be accepted only if the product is intact.
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