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 A glimpse at the gown created for Jessica Chastain at the 75th annual awards ceremony. 
As a nominee for Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie for ‘George & Tammy’, Jessica Chastain wore a Gucci design envisioned for her by Creative Director Sabato De Sarno. The House’s artisans hand-sewed sequin embroidery all over the cady crepe silhouette and applied cascading beaded fringe to the train. Completing the look was a Jackie Notte bag in a matching shade, a further detail that speaks to both the historic craftsmanship and the contemporary vision of the House.
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A look at the craftsmanship behind Jessica Chastain’s custom gown by Creative Director Sabato De Sarno for the 75th Emmy Awards. Custom Artistry at the Emmys

A look at the craftsmanship behind Jessica Chastain’s custom gown by Creative Director Sabato De Sarno for the 75th Emmy Awards. Custom Artistry at the Emmys
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