На показе Cruise 2025 в лондонской галерее современного искусства Дом исследовал свою историческую связь с городом. В 1897 году основатель Дома Гуччио Гуччи отправился в Лондон, где он устроился носильщиком багажа в отель The Savoy. Вдохновленный ярким духом города, он вернулся во Флоренцию, чтобы открыть магазин товаров для путешествий, стремясь через свой багаж рассказать о историю нового образа жизни. Более ста лет спустя представление о Лондоне как о месте культурной конвергенции по-прежнему актуально, как и параллели с постоянным процессом самопознания Дома, постоянно обращающегося к архивным элементам, которые лежат в основе его пронизанного наследием повествования.
Вдохновленный многочисленными поездками в Лондон, креативный директор Сабато де Сарно стремился отразить сущность города. Лондон и галерея Тейт Модерн, связанные как наследием, так и духом, стали идеальным местом для демонстрации видения Сабато де Сарно на показе Cruise 2025.
Узнайте больше об истории основания Gucci и связи бренда с Лондоном в специальном выпуске подкаста Gucci с участием писателя Чарли Портера.
For the Gucci Cruise 2025 fashion show in London, the House is collaborating with not-for-profit Grow to Know by contributing a tapestry of around 10,000 plants from the runway set-up at the Tate Modern to the organization. The greenery will be used for projects around the city including ‘Life Under the Westway’, cultivated by Grow to Know, aimed at transforming Maxilla Gardens into a community garden that tells local stories of the past and present. The initiative is also supported by the Royal Horticultural Society and Life Under the Westway: Maxilla Gardens will open the first RHS Community Chelsea garden this May in association with the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.
The collaboration is part of the House’s efforts towards the sustainable management of collection presentations, digital events, and advertising campaigns through the ISO 20121 certification, which all Gucci’s physical shows have obtained since September 2019, under which reusing and extending the life of sets is a best practice. Additionally, through the Gucci Changemakers Volunteering program, employees will have the opportunity to actively contribute to community projects supported by Grow to Know, which is committed to cultivating community, creative and cultural nature access, and action.
“To explore a creative direction is to bring yourself into an already-existing space and show it through your eyes, working from room to room with the goal of reshaping the building again. We choose London for the Cruise show, knowing that was the right choice. I owe a lot to this city, it has welcomed and listened to me. The same is true for Gucci, whose founder was inspired by his experience there. The House’s return is driven by a desire to be immersed in its distinctive essence, its creative driving force with its limitless capability to put together contrasts, make them converse, and find ways to coexist. Today we are here to celebrate that spirit. Tate Modern is the perfect cross-section to narrate the city’s essence, with its great Turbine Hall that welcomes and gathers everyone, and with the Tanks, generators of ideas.” Sabato De Sarno