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It’s a story of everything, again, but this time expressed through joy.
-Sabato De Sarno
In occasion of his debut fashion show for the House, Creative Director Sabato De Sarno introduces the first volume of the Gucci Prospettive series underscoring the dialogue between art and fashion. 
“This is a love letter to Milan and to its art,” begins curator Stefano Collicelli Cagol, (PhD), director of the Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Art in Prato as he introduces the artworks after Sabato De Sarno’s initial manifesto. Together, they selected artists who narrate fragments of the city’s cultural and creative heritage from the post-war period to the present day. From Lucio Fontana’s slashed canvases to Pietro Agostini, Riccardo Banfi, Mirko Albini, and Nicola Guiducci’s photos of Milanese nightclubs and poetic provocations by Sara Leghissa, Vincenzo Agnetti, and Giulia Niccolai, the works recount Milan as a place of beauty and carnality—beyond traditional narratives to imagine new spaces and new selves.
To celebrate the launch alongside the fashion show, a temporary gallery on Via Fiori Chiari 5 in Brera, Milan—known as the artists' quarter of the city—showcased the works of Cristiano Rizzo, Martino Santori, Noura Tafeche, and Valerio Eliogabalo Torrisi, selected by Sabato De Sarno in collaboration with the Brera Academy of Fine Arts where they studied. 
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Sabato De Sarno introduces the first volume of the Gucci Prospettive series pursuing the dialogue between art and fashion. Gucci Prospettive n.1, Milano Ancora.

Sabato De Sarno introduces the first volume of the Gucci Prospettive series pursuing the dialogue between art and fashion. Gucci Prospettive n.1, Milano Ancora.
Sabato De Sarno introduces the first volume of the Gucci Prospettive series pursuing the dialogue between art and fashion. Gucci Prospettive n.1, Milano Ancora.
Sabato De Sarno introduces the first volume of the Gucci Prospettive series pursuing the dialogue between art and fashion. Gucci Prospettive n.1, Milano Ancora.

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