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 At the 96th Academy Awards, Best Actress nominee Lily Gladstone’s custom gowns were created by Creative Director Sabato De Sarno and Indigenous designer Joe Big Mountain of Ironhorse Quillwork.
Making history as the first Native American woman to be nominated in the category for her role in ‘Killers of the Flower Moon,’ Gladstone wore a midnight blue velvet gown embellished with intricate quillwork that pays homage to the actress’ heritage. To the Vanity Fair Oscar Party, Gladstone’s black gown featured quillwork along the neckline and a cascading chevron beaded fringe. “For the dresses, we utilized a couple different styles of quillwork, one being zigzag stitch and one being a wrap. These techniques are passed down through family and certain people in the community,” explained Joe Big Mountain and his wife Sunshine. “To have Lily choose to wear our work and to be able to partner with Gucci and Sabato is just so near and dear, not only to our family and our hearts but to our people as a whole.”
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A look at the gowns created by Sabato De Sarno and Indigenous designer Joe Big Mountain of Ironhorse Quillwork. Threads of Heritage

A look at the gowns created by Sabato De Sarno and Indigenous designer Joe Big Mountain of Ironhorse Quillwork. Threads of Heritage
A look at the gowns created by Sabato De Sarno and Indigenous designer Joe Big Mountain of Ironhorse Quillwork. Threads of Heritage
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