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Clous d’oreilles Gucci Interlocking
S$ 1,350

Clous d’oreilles Gucci Interlocking

S$ 1,350


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Select another variation if available or contact Gucci Client Services for assistance at +65-6983-1020

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Our Commitment

Gucci upholds the highest international standards of social and environmental responsibility across all its operations. From selecting and tracing raw materials to designing and crafting our products, we prioritize a "circular" approach that maintains our longstanding commitment to unparalleled quality and durability.

Through ongoing innovation and optimization of our production processes, we strive to minimize the environmental footprint of our business and the entire supply chain. Our approach involves transforming our sourcing strategy by investing in regenerative agriculture projects for the production of the raw materials used in our collections. To compensate for any remaining emissions from our direct operations and the entire supply chain, we collaborate with different partners, investing in projects focused on conserving nature and restoring biodiversity.

For more information, please visit @gucciequilibrium

Clous d’oreilles Gucci Interlocking
Our Commitment

Gucci upholds the highest international standards of social and environmental responsibility across all its operations. From selecting and tracing raw materials to designing and crafting our products, we prioritize a "circular" approach that maintains our longstanding commitment to unparalleled quality and durability.

Through ongoing innovation and optimization of our production processes, we strive to minimize the environmental footprint of our business and the entire supply chain. Our approach involves transforming our sourcing strategy by investing in regenerative agriculture projects for the production of the raw materials used in our collections. To compensate for any remaining emissions from our direct operations and the entire supply chain, we collaborate with different partners, investing in projects focused on conserving nature and restoring biodiversity.

For more information, please visit @gucciequilibrium

Product Details

Modèle ‎759061 J8500 5702

The Gucci Interlocking jewellery collection takes a cue from the geometric logo, resulting in this design. These 18k rose gold earrings shaped like the Interlocking G silhouette innovates upon the popular stud style.

  • 18k rose gold
  • Interlocking G
  • For pierced ears
  • Length: 5.4mm
  • Made in Italy
  • Gucci guarantees, internally and within its supply chain, respect for standards of Social & Environmental Responsibility in line with its sustainability strategy. Gucci gold, platinum and diamonds are certified by the Responsible Jewellery Council whose mission is to promote responsible, ethical, social and environmental practices that guarantee human rights throughout the gold and diamond supply chain, from mines to retail.

Les bijoux Gucci sont fabriqués dans des matériaux sélectionnés avec la plus grande attention. Pour garantir la longévité du produit, veuillez le traiter avec soin.

  • Cette pièce a été fabriquée avec des matériaux hypoallergéniques conformes aux réglementations internationales en vigueur
  • Pour son entretien, veuillez la nettoyer et la lustrer à l'aide d'un chiffon doux et la conserver dans un étui à part

Besoin d'aide?

Chat with our Online Client Advisors Monday through Sunday from 10 AM to 8 PM (SGT), excluding holidays.

Pour toute information sur nos produits ou votre commande en ligne, appelez-nous au :
Our Client Advisors are available Monday through Sunday from 10 AM to 8 PM (SGT), excluding holidays.

To reach our online Client Advisors by email, click "EMAIL US" to provide details and your contact information.

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01-41B1 3/4141/13
02-42D2 1/4242/13.3
03-43E - F2 1/2343/13.5
05-45F - G3 1/4545/14.4
06-46G3 3/4646/14.6
07-47H4 747/14.9
08XXS48I4 1/2848/15.3
09-49J5 949/15.6
10XS50J - K5 1/41050/16
11-51K - L5 3/41151/16.2
12-52L6 1252/16.5
13S53M - N6 1/21353/16.8
14-54N - O6 3/41454/17.2
15-55O - P7 1/41555/17.4
16M56P7 1/21656/17.8
17-57Q8 1757/18.1
18-58Q - R8 1/41858/18.5
19L59R8 3/41959/18.8
20-60S9 2060/19.2
21-61S - T9 1/22161/19.5
22-62T - U10 2262/19.8
23XL63U - V10 1/42363/20
24-64V10 3/42464/20.4
25-65W11 2565/20.6
26XXL66X11 1/22666/21
27-67X - Y11 3/42767/21.2



Please note that measurements refer to the inner circumference of the product

XS 15 5.9
S 16 6.3
M 17 6.7
L 18 7
XL 19 7.5
- 20 7.9
- 21 8.3

Measuring Tips

How to measure your current ring


  1. Select a ring that properly fits the finger.
  2. Place the ring over the circles below. Match the inside edge of the ring to the circle nearest in size. This measuringment refers to the inside diameter of the ring.
  3. If the ring falls between two sizes, order the larger size.

How to measure your finger


  1. Carefully cut along the outline of the sizer. Make a small slit in the left end of the sizer.
  2. Wrap the sizer around the intended finger with the numbers facing out.
  3. Slide the pointer end of the sizer through the slit.
  4. Move the sizer to the larger part of the finger, this may be the knuckle.
  5. Pull tightly. The sizer must fit snugly to produce an accurate size.
  6. The number that lines up with the slit represents the ring size for that finger.

How to determine your bracelet size

Follow these steps to measure your wrist:

  1. Use a sewing tape measure, a piece of string or a strip of paper.
  2. Wrap it comfortably below the wrist bone.
  3. If using a measuring tape, note the number (cm) that meets the 0.
  4. If using string or paper, mark where the pieces meet and measure it in cm.
  5. The number in cm corresponds to your wrist size on the size guide.
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