品牌于伦敦的现代艺术汇聚地举办2025早春系列时装秀,探索与伦敦之间的历史渊源。1897年,品牌创始人Guccio Gucci奔赴伦敦,在The Savoy酒店担任行李员。在伦敦活力风情的激励下,他重返佛罗伦萨,创办门店,打造旅行单品,渴望透过行李箱设计诠释全新生活方式。百余年弹指而逝,伦敦仍然是公认的文化交融之城,与品牌坚持经典叙事美学扎根于典藏元素、不懈进行自我探索的历程如出一辙。
创作总监Sabato De Sarno以多次伦敦之旅为灵感来源,致力于在艺术、设计和时尚交织融合的泰特现代艺术馆演绎伦敦美学精髓。伦敦和泰特现代艺术馆一脉相承,理念相通,是Sabato De Sarno对2025早春系列时装秀进行美学诠释的理想之地。
收听Gucci播客特别节目,和作家Charlie Porter一同探索更多有关Gucci起源的精彩故事,以及品牌与伦敦的紧密联结。
Gucci 2025早春系列时装秀于伦敦举办,约10,000株绿植构成的布景成就秀场盎然之姿,品牌于结束后将绿植捐赠给非营利组织Grow to Know,助其顺利开展伦敦周边项目,如“Life Under the Westway”活动,将Maxilla Gardens改造成社区花园,诠释当地与如今的精彩故事。该倡议还得到了皇家园艺学会和Life Under the Westway活动的支持:Maxilla Gardens花园将于今年5月与RHS切尔西花卉展联合开放首个RHS切尔西社区花园。
“To explore a creative direction is to bring yourself into an already-existing space and show it through your eyes, working from room to room with the goal of reshaping the building again. We choose London for the Cruise show, knowing that was the right choice. I owe a lot to this city, it has welcomed and listened to me. The same is true for Gucci, whose founder was inspired by his experience there. The House’s return is driven by a desire to be immersed in its distinctive essence, its creative driving force with its limitless capability to put together contrasts, make them converse, and find ways to coexist. Today we are here to celebrate that spirit. Tate Modern is the perfect cross-section to narrate the city’s essence, with its great Turbine Hall that welcomes and gathers everyone, and with the Tanks, generators of ideas.” Sabato De Sarno