Questa informativa sulla privacy si applica alle situazioni in cui noi, Gucci, accediamo, raccogliamo, conserviamo, trattiamo, utilizziamo, divulghiamo o trasferiamo le Sue informazioni personali in formato cartaceo o elettronico. Si applica anche alle situazioni in cui partner autorizzati od altri membri di Kering utilizzano le Sue informazioni personali per nostro conto.
La protezione dei suoi dati personali è una parte essenziale delle nostre attività. Al fine di fornirLe un'esperienza personalizzata, applicheremo le leggi sulla protezione dei dati personali del Suo paese di residenza. Questo approccio sarà anche conforme alle leggi sui consumatori del Suo paese di residenza abituale e ci permetterà quindi di soddisfare le Sue aspettative in materia di protezione dei dati personali.
Se Lei è residente in uno dei seguenti paesi/regioni, La preghiamo di fare riferimento all'allegato contenente le informazioni specifiche per la Sua giurisdizione:
- Se Lei risiede in Australia, La preghiamo di fare riferimento all’Allegato 1 - Informazioni specifiche per i residenti in Australia sull'uso dei suoi dati personali per ottenere informazioni sui motivi per cui possiamo trattare i suoi dati personali;
- Se lei è residente in Qatar, Vietnam, Cina, Kuwait, Arabia Saudita, Messico, Cile, Corea del Sud o Azerbaigian, La preghiamo di fare riferimento all’Allegato 2 - Informazioni specifiche per i residenti in Qatar, Vietnam, Cina, Kuwait, Arabia Saudita, Messico, Cile, Corea del Sud o Azerbaigian sull'uso dei suoi dati personali per ottenere informazioni sui motivi per cui possiamo trattare i suoi dati personali e sulle basi giuridiche che possiamo utilizzare;
- Se Lei risiede negli Stati Uniti o a Guam, La preghiamo di fare riferimento all’Allegato 3 - Informazioni specifiche sui messaggi di testo e istantanei per i residenti negli Stati Uniti o i residenti a Guam per ottenere informazioni su come e quando possiamo utilizzare il Suo numero di telefono per inviarLe messaggi;
Noi, Guccio Gucci S.p.A , agiamo in qualita di “titolare del trattamento”, il che significa che determiniamo “perchè” e “come” le Sue informazioni personali sono raccolte ed utilizzate. Siamo una società italiana, con sede in Via Tornabuoni 73/R, Firenze, Italy e registrata con numero 03031300159 presso il registro delle imprese di Firenze
Per essere in grado di consegnarLe i nostri prodotti e servizi, abbiamo necessità di condividere le Sue informazioni personali con partner autorizzati o altri membri di Kering i quali generalmente agiscono in qualità di nostri “responsabili del trattamento”. Tutti sono soggetti all’obbligo di adottare misure di sicurezza appropriate per proteggere i dati personali in loro possesso, e sono vincolati a un rigido accordo in materia di riservatezza ed a specifici termini contrattuali sul “come” e “quando” sono autorizzati ad ultizzare le Sue informazioni personali per nostro conto.
La preghiamo di tenere presente che alcuni partner autorizzati, quali i nostri franchisee o licenziatari o social media, potrebbero anch’essi determinare “perchè” e “come” le Sue informazioni personali vengono utilizzate. Questi hanno le proprie informative sulla privacy e sui cookies, perciò la preghiamo di tenere a mente che le informazioni personali che Lei dà loro saranno soggette alle loro regole e non alle nostre.
Vuole saperne di più? Potrebbero interessarLe le seguenti sezioni della nostra Informativa sulla Privacy:
Perchè raccogliamo le Sue informazioni personali?
Come raccogliamo le Sue informazioni personali?
Con chi condividiamo le Sue informazioni personali?
Quali sono i Suoi diritti in relazione alle Sue informazioni personali?
Gucci raccoglierà, registrerà, tratterrà, organizzerà, strutturerà, conserverà, aggiornerà, adatterà, combinerà, consulterà, utilizzerà e comunicherà i suoi dati personali per le finalità descritte in questa sezione. I suoi dati personali non saranno ulteriormente utilizzati per finalità incompatibili o incoerenti con le finalità per le quali sono state raccolti, a meno che ciò non sia consentito dalla legislazione applicabile.
Il trattamento dei suoi dati personali sarà conforme alla Sua legislazione in materia di privacy e troverà fondamento nelle basi giuridiche di cui alla presente sezione. Le basi giuridiche elencate in questa sezione si applicano anche quando condividiamo i Suoi dati con terze parti (come elencato nella sezione Con chi condividiamo i Suoi dati Personali?) per le finalità menzionate di seguito.
Qualora desideri saperne di più sulle nostre finalità e basi giuridiche, può contattarci all’indirizzo (oppure può consultare la sezione Come può contattarci?).
Il trattamento dei suoi dati personali sarà fondato sulle basi giuridiche di seguito indicate, a meno che Lei risieda in uno dei seguenti paesi:
A. Per fornirle i prodotti e servizi che Lei abbia acquistato o altrimenti richiesto
Le finalità per le quali trattiamo i suoi dati personali sono le seguenti: | Il trattamento dei suoi dati personali è giustificato dalle seguenti basi giuridiche: |
FornirLe i prodotti o servizi che Lei ha acquistato o comunque richiesto sia nei nostri negozi sia online. Ciò comprende ogni azione necessaria ad adempiere alle nostre obbligazioni in relazione al contratto di vendita o di fornitura di servizi che Lei conclude con noi (elaborazione del suo pagamento, consegna, gestione dei resi, etc.) | Esecuzione di un contratto |
B. Per gestire il Suo profilo Gucci
Una volta richiesta la creazione del Suo profilo Gucci, tramite i siti web Gucci o qualsiasi altro mezzo, incluso il nostro servizio clienti, i suoi dati personali saranno collegate a questo profilo, dove conserveremo tutte le informazioni che La riguardano. Ciò potrebbe includere le informazioni che otteniamo direttamente da Lei così come quelle che otteniamo da altre fonti in conformità alla legislazione applicabile. Ciò potrebbe anche includere informazioni sugli acquisti fatti quando si fa il check-out come ospite o quando si fa il check-out usando un profilo. Le informazioni del Suo profilo Gucci sono cruciali per fornirLe l’esperienza personalizzata e su misura Gucci, e in alcuni casi sono necessarie per accedere ad alcuni servizi specifici o per acquistare dal nostro sito web, e devono perciò essere tenute aggiornate per assicurarLe la migliore esperienza.
Una volta che Lei ci abbia richiesto la creazione del Suo profilo Gucci, lo integreremo con informazioni personali quali i Suoi acquisti, preferenze ed informazioni di contatto. In tale contesto, La preghiamo di essere consapevole del fatto che utilizziamo informazioni identificative personali, come il suo indirizzo e-mail, o numero di telefono, per collegare un’interazione o acquisto con il suo profilo Gucci. Lo stesso avviene quando effettua un pagamento in qualità di ospite per un acquisto sul nostro sito, come menzionato sopra, o nel caso in cui leghi il Suo account open ID sui social media con il Suo profilo Gucci (utilizzando i QR Code dedicati, per esempio). Inoltre, potremmo utilizzare la Sua data di nascita per determinare che Lei abbia l’età necessaria per utilizzare i nostri servizi.
Al fine di mantenere corrette i suoi dati personali, adotteremo ogni ragionevole sforzo per assicurare che i dati personali in nostro possesso siano aggiornati in modo appropriato. Ove previsto dalla legislazione in materia di privacy a Lei applicabile, potrebbe avere il diritto ad ottenere la rettifica dei suoi dati in ogni momento, ed in ogni caso La preghiamo di farci sapere se qualunque dei suoi dati necessiti di aggiornamento o correzione, e faremo del nostro meglio per individuare e correggere i dati personali non corretti (pulizia dei dati) e per cancellare eventuali duplicazioni delle basi di dati. Ciò può rendere necessario da parte nostra correggere errori tipografici o informazioni personali discordanti.
Le finalità per le quali trattiamo i suoi dati personali sono le seguenti | Il trattamento dei suoi dati personali è giustificato dalla seguente base giuridica: |
Amministrazione, gestione e manutenzione del Suo profilo Gucci quando ce ne abbia richiesto la creazione. Ciò può includere operazioni di pulizia dei dati e deduplicazione. | Esecuzione di un contratto oppure nostro legittimo interesse (ove applicabile) Una volta che il Suo profilo sia stato creato su Sua richiesta, per integrarlo con i dati personali che ci fornisce durante le nostre interazioni e così assicurarci di conservare la versione più accurata e aggiornata del suo profilo (a condizione che su tale legittimo interesse non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali) |
C. Per fornirLe un servizio clienti ed un’assistenza su misura
Lei dovrebbe poter avere la stessa esperienza unitaria indipendentemente da come comunichiamo. Sia che ciò accada nei nostri negozi, sul nostro sito, via chat, telefono o video, e sia che sia Lei a contattare noi oppure noi a contattare Lei, vogliamo fornirLe un servizio clienti di rilievo e su misura.
Per la suddetta finalità di offrirLe l’esperienza Gucci, raccoglieremo, conserveremo, tratteremo, utilizzeremo, comunicheremo e trasferiremo i suoi dati personali al fine di poterLa identificare. Ciò ci consentirà di offrirLe l’assistenza su misura che ci richiede o di condividere con Lei informazioni pertinenti. Inoltre, quando ci contatta, potremmo trattenere i dati personali che condivide con noi per offrirLe in ogni momento questa esperienza personalizzata e su misura. Ciò può verificarsi quando Lei sia un cliente attuale o potenziale. I suoi dati personali saranno collegati al Suo profilo Gucci, se Lei ci ha richiesto di crearne uno, oppure ad una registrazione temporanea.
Al fine di offrirLe un’esperienza cliente piacevole e priva di ostacoli, conoscerLa meglio per offrirLe risposte su misura, e migliorare la qualità e sicurezza dei nostri servizi, potremmo basarci sul Suo consenso, procedere secondo quanto previsto dal nostro contratto con Lei, oppure adottare ogni ragionevole sforzo per metterci in contatto con Lei, o basarci sul nostro interesse legittimo a migliorare i nostri servizi.
Utilizzeremo le informazioni che abbiamo su di Lei per identificarLa quando ci contatta (che sia via telefono, video chat, messaggio di testo, chat, social media, ecc.). Quando riusciamo ad identificarLa, saremo in grado di accedere ali dati personali disponibili sul Suo profilo Gucci o nella Sua registrazione temporanea, per sapere quando in precedenza Lei abbia interagito con noi e per offrirLe l’assistenza personalizzata da Lei richiesta. Ciò potrebbe comprendere il monitoraggio in tempo reale o successivo delle Sue interazioni con noi (per esempio sul nostro sito o in un negozio) per identificare i prodotti che Lei sta guardando oppure quale potrebbe essere la Sua specifica necessità.
Per offrirLe un servizio clienti adeguato, potrebbe esserLe richiesto, quando si trova sul nostro sito web o in un negozio, se necessita di ulteriore assistenza. Sul nostro sito web, se non vuole essere contattata, voglia cortesemente chiudere la finestra con la chat. Questo servizio è stato adottato per consentirLe di beneficiare dello stesso servizio che troverebbe in uno dei nostri negozi fisici.
Se non siamo in grado di identificarLa, potremmo creare una registrazione temporanea per consentirLe di avere un’esperienza acquisto unitaria. Indipendentemente da come Lei interagisca con noi, faremo certamente del nostro meglio per evitare di chiederLe nuovamente Le informazioni che ha già condiviso con noi.
I suoi dati personali, in particolare il profilo Gucci se ne ha creato uno oppure la registrazione temporanea che potremmo creare su di Lei, potrebbero consentire ai nostri addetti alla vendita di contattarLa direttamente in relazione ai prodotti e servizi che Lei ha acquistato o comunque richiesto, come quando un prodotto torna ad essere nuovamente disponibile oppure quando un ordine che Lei ha effettuato presso di noi è stato ricevuto in negozio, o per condividere con Lei ogni altra informazione che Lei ci abbia richiesto.
Inoltre, il monitoraggio delle nostre interazioni (comprese, previo avviso, le registrazioni vocali o video – come l’ascolto o l’analisi in tempo reale – o l’ascolto in tempo reale) ci consente di migliorare la qualità e la sicurezza dei nostri servizi e di fornirLe risposte su misura.
Tutti i nostri clienti sono importanti per noi. Tuttavia, alcuni dei nostri clienti e potenziali clienti beneficiano di un'esperienza maggiormente personalizzata in ragione dell'importante rapporto che intrattengono con Gucci. I nostri team potrebbero aver bisogno di raccogliere e riunire informazioni su tali clienti o potenziali clienti al fine di identificare personalità che corrispondono all'immagine e ai valori di Gucci per offrire loro un supporto unico. Ciò può avvenire quando Lei partecipa ad uno dei nostri progetti selettivi o quando i nostri addetti vendita. Le propongono di partecipare ad eventi o La contattano per alcune occasioni speciali (per i Suoi compleanni o per un evento particolare della Sua vita).
Le finalità per le quali trattiamo i suoi dati personali sono le seguenti | Il trattamento dei suoi dati personali è giustificato dalla seguente base giuridica: |
Amministrazione, gestione e manutenzione del Suo profilo Gucci Queste attività saranno eseguite se Lei ci ha richiesto la creazione del Suo profilo Gucci e se siamo in grado di identificarLa. Integreremo le Sue informazioni profilo Gucci con le informazioni personali che ci fornisce quando ci contatta o quando noi contattiamo Lei. Ciò potrebbe includere operazioni di pulizia dei dati e deduplicazione. | Esecuzione di un contratto oppure nostro legittimo interesse (ove applicabile) Una volta che il Suo profilo sia stato creato su Sua richiesta, per integrarlo con i dati personali che Lei ci fornisce durante le nostre interazioni e così assicurarci di conservare la versione più accurata e aggiornata del suo profilo (a condizione che su tale legittimo interesse non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali) |
Amministrazione, gestione e manutenzione di una registrazione temporanea Tali attività saranno eseguite se non siamo in grado di identificarLa. Integreremo questa registrazione temporanea con i dati che Lei ci fornisce quando ci contatta o quando noi contattiamo Lei, per evitare di chiederLe nuovamente le informazioni che Lei abbia già condiviso con noi e fornirLe assistenza su misura in relazione ai nostri prodotti e servizi. | Adozione di misure precontrattuali adottate a Sua richiesta oppure nostro legittimo interesse (ove applicabile) Quando non siamo in grado di identificarLa, per integrare una registrazione temporanea al fine di offrirLe assistenza su misura (a condizione che su tale legittimo interesse non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali) |
Interazioni in entrata – FornirLe i prodotti, servizi ed informazioni che Lei potrebbe richiederci quando ci contatta | Esecuzione di un contratto o di misure precontrattuali adottate a Sua richiesta |
Interazioni in uscita - ContattarLa direttamente in relazione ai prodotti, servizi ed informazioni che Lei ha richiesto | Esecuzione di un contratto o di misure precontrattuali adottate a Sua richiesta oppure nostro legittimo interesse (ove applicabile) Per fornirLe una risposta adeguata quando la nostra interazione non è relativa alla formazione o esecuzione di un contratto (a condizione che su tale legittimo interesse non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali) |
La nostra interazione in tempo reale - Per permetterLe di provare virtualmente i nostri prodotti o interagire con altri clienti | Esecuzione di un contratto o di misure precontrattuali adottate a Sua richiesta Quando raccogliamo informazioni per fornirLe un’assistenza pertinente sui nostri prodotti o servizi Il nostro legittimo interesse a fornirLe un’assistenza su misura quando non siamo in grado di identificarla (e quando su tale interesse non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali) O il suo consenso se l’immagine del Suo viso è raffigurata o se i suoi dati personali sono visibili ad altri clienti |
Monitoraggio in tempo reale o successivo della nostra interazione, per consentirci di migliorare la qualità e la sicurezza dei nostri servizi e di offrirLe risposte migliori. Tale monitoraggio potrebbe essere adottato sia per le interazioni in entrata sia per quelle in uscita e, previo avviso a Lei, potrebbe essere effettuato tramite registrazione vocale o video o ascolto in tempo reale. | Esecuzione di un contratto o di misure precontrattuali adottate a Sua richiesta Quando raccogliamo informazioni per fornirLe l’assistenza sui nostri prodotti o servizi Il nostro legittimo interesse Quando raccogliamo informazioni per migliorare la qualità e la sicurezza dei nostri servizi (a condizione che su tale legittimo interesse non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali) Oppure il Suo consenso ai cookie Quando tale monitoraggio sia effettuato sul nostro sito web per mezzo di cookie o altre tecnologie di pubblicità online |
D. Per consentirLe di ricevere informazioni rilevanti e contenuti di marketing personalizzati.
Se Lei risiede negli Stati Uniti o a Guam, La preghiamo di consultare anche l’Allegato 3 - Informazioni specifiche sui messaggi di testo e istantanei per i residenti degli Stati Uniti o a Guam per ulteriori informazioni su come o quando possiamo usare il Suo numero di telefono per inviarle messaggi.
Quando Lei condivide con noi i Suoi dati personali, noi possiamo utilizzarli per contattarLa attraverso i relativi canali di comunicazione (quali messaggi di testo, MMS, e-mail, posta, internet, social media o telefono), con il Suo consento ove richiesto. Naturalmente può richiederci di non utilizzare uno specifico canale di comunicazione o rinunciare (disiscriversi) dallo stesso applicando l’opzione rinuncia che sarà sempre condivisa con lei. Se desidera non ricevere più comunicazioni da noi attraverso tutti i canali di comunicazione, La preghiamo di inviarci un’e-mail all’indirizzo .
In quanto parte dell’esperienza Gucci, proveremo sempre a personalizzare la Sua esperienza con noi. Per tale ragione utilizzeremo i suoi dati personali per inviarLe comunicazioni personalizzate o per personalizzare il Suo percorso con noi, ma soltanto previo Suo consenso quando la legislazione applicabile lo richieda. Le nostre comunicazioni potrebbero comprendere raccomandazioni personalizzate di prodotti che pensiamo possano interessarLe, contenuti di marketing personalizzati ideati per incontrare i Suoi interessi, inviti personalizzati ad eventi o, a Sua richiesta e quando disponibili, prodotti personalizzati e su misura. Per tali finalità, utilizzeremo le informazioni che ci fornisce (per esempio la Sua data di nascita, il Suo paese di residenza, i Suoi mezzi di contatto preferiti, ecc.) e/o da soli o in combinazione, alcune abitudini di comportamento che potremmo osservare interagendo con Lei (per esempio dove Lei preferisce acquistare i nostri prodotti, quali tipi di prodotti sono di Suo gradimento, per quali occasioni sta effettuando i Suoi acquisti.). Con queste informazioni, potremmo creare gruppi di clienti similari (chiamati “persona”) ai quali possiamo decidere di offrire contenuti ed esperienze personalizzate in comunicazioni sia in entrata che in uscita. In tale contesto, potremmo trarre inferenze su di Lei, così come derivate dai suoi dati personali (profilazione). Per esempio, se Lei acquista sempre i nostri prodotti dallo stesso negozio (in una specifica località oppure online), potremmo considerare tale negozio come il Suo preferito. Ciò ci consentirà di personalizzare la Sua esperienza con Gucci sulla base dei Suoi interessi ed abitudini di acquisto (i.e. comunicazioni personalizzate). Al fine di fornirLe tale esperienza personalizzata e su misura, nei nostri negozi oppure online, potrebbe esserLe richiesto di effettuare il log in oppure di identificarsi.
Per arricchire i suoi dati personali, potremmo utilizzare cookie o altre tecnologie di pubblicità online. Attraverso tali tecnologie, raccoglieremo dati personali in relazione alla Sua attività su social media e la Sua attività di browsing su differenti siti web e dispositivi (per esempio: per sapere se Lei ha visitato il nostro sito web dopo aver aperto una newsletter che ha ricevuto). Alcune tecnologie possono fare affidamento sui servizi forniti da altre società che agiscono per proprio conto (come i social media WeChat, WhatsApp, Baidu, Kakao Talk, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, o altre piattaforme online). Tali società hanno le loro informative su privacy e cookies ed il modo in cui esse utilizzano le informazioni che Lei condivide con loro è soggetto alle loro regole e non alle nostre.
Per arricchire i suoi dati personali, possiamo associarle con le informazioni n possesso di altri (per esempio, condividendo ed associando le Sue informazioni con le informazioni in possesso di partner di fiducia) o collegando il Suo account open ID sui social media con il Suo profilo Gucci (usando i QR Code dedicati, per esempio). Tale processo sarà condotto esclusivamente attraverso l’utilizzo di identificativi univoci dei clienti e protocolli di re-identificazione al fine di proteggere la riservatezza dei suoi dati personali.
Le informazioni personali collegate al suo profilo Gucci (informazioni di identificazione personale come ad esempio indirizzo e-mail, numero di telefono, social network id, ecc.) ci consentiranno di contattarla su piattaforme di terze parti o di creare “campagne lookalike” che ci permettono di raggiungere nuove persone con un probabile interesse nei nostri prodotti in ragione della similarità con lei. Potremmo condurre tali campagne attraverso il nostro sito Web, social media o altri mezzi di comunicazione, quali i motori di ricerca. Per lo svolgimento di tali campagne, prima di essere condivise, i suoi dati personali vengono cifrate e trasformate in brevi impronte digitali che non possono essere ripristinate nel formato precedente.
L’utilizzo di cookie o di altre tecnologie di pubblicità online potrebbe anche consentirci di mostrarLe pubblicità online che sono “contestuali” (nel senso che sono mostrati sulla base del sito web su cui sta navigando), “comportamentali” oppure “definite in base agli interessi” (ove le pubblicità sono mostrate sulla base dei Suoi interessi, che abbiamo inferito sulla base delle Sue informazioni che comprendono dati demografici, geografici e definiti in base agli interessi). Potremmo utilizzare tali pubblicità per mostarLe i prodotti o servizi di maggiore rilievo per Lei.
Se non desidera più visualizzare annunci online personalizzati, può richiederci di cancellare il Suo profilo Gucci o modificare le Sue preferenze sui cookies – voglia consultare la sezione “cookie o altre tecnologie di pubblicità online”. Inoltre, alcuni siti web di terzi Le consentono di smettere di visualizzare annunci pubblicitari da specifici inserzionisti, dunque Lei potrebbe impostare le Sue preferenze anche su tali siti web.
Le finalità per le quali trattiamo i suoi dati personali sono le seguenti: | Il trattamento dei suoi dati personali è giustificato dalla seguente base giuridica: |
Invio o presentazione di comunicazioni personalizzate Ciò include comunicazioni quali aggiornamenti sui nostri prodotti e servizi, inviti ad eventi, offerte o sondaggi. Quando Lei condivide i suoi dati personali con noi, utilizzeremo tali informazioni personali per contattarLa attraverso i relativi canali di comunicazione (quali messaggi di testo, MMS, e-mail, posta, internet, social media o telefono). Faremo sempre del nostro meglio per fornirLe comunicazioni personalizzate, basate in particolare sui Suoi interessi e abitudini di acquisto, e per migliorare e personalizzare i nostri servizi in particolare attraverso la profilazione. | Esecuzione di un contratto Quando la legge ci autorizza ad inviarLe tali comunicazioni senza il Suo consenso e tali comunicazioni rientrano nell’ambito della nostra relazione contrattuale O il nostro legittimo interesse ad offrirLe contenuti personalizzati Quando tale interesse non sia superato dai Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali e la legge ci autorizza ad inviarLe tali comunicazioni senza il Suo previo consenso. Il Suo consenso, come prestato al momento della creazione del profilo Gucci Lei può sempre revocare il Suo consenso in ogni momento. |
Aggiornare ed integrare o arricchire i suoi dati personali Ciò comprende operazioni di pulizia dei dati e deduplicazione. Ciò include anche arricchire i suoi dati personali con dati di seconde parti o informazioni relative alle Sue attività su social media e la Sua attività di navigazione su diversi siti web e dispositivi. Alcune delle tecnologie che utilizziamo (compresi i cookies) potrebbero fare affidamento su servizi forniti da altre società che agiscono per conto proprio (come i social media - WeChat, WhatsApp, Baidu, Kakao Talk, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram o altre piattaforme online). Lei potrebbe avere prestato il Suo consenso ai cookies e ad altre tecnologie attraverso tali piattaforme. Queste altre società hanno le proprie informative privacy e cookies ed il modo in cui esse utilizzano i suoi dati personali è soggetto alle loro regole e non alle nostre. | Esecuzione di un contratto o adempimento di un obbligo legale Quando tale aggiornamento riguarda l’amministrazione e la gestione del Suo profilo Gucci, comprese le iniziative assunte a seguito di una richiesta di rettifica o cancellazione. Ogni altra situazione richiederà il Suo consenso, come prestato al momento della creazione del profilo Gucci Lei può sempre revocare il Suo consenso in ogni momento |
Creazione di campagne “lookalike” Le campagne lookalike ci consentono di raggiungere nuove persone che sono probabilmente interessate ai nostri prodotti perché sono simili a Lei. Alcune delle tecnologie che utilizziamo (compresi i cookies) possono fare affidamento sui servizi forniti dalle altre società che agiscono per conto proprio (come i social media - WeChat, WhatsApp, Baidu, Kakao Talk, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram o altre piattaforme online). Lei potrebbe avere prestato il Suo consenso ai cookies e ad altre tecnologie attraverso tali piattaforme. Queste altre società hanno le loro informative sulla privacy e sui cookies ed il modo in cui utilizzano i suoi dati personali sarà soggetto alle loro regole e non alle nostre. | Il Suo consenso quando accetta, al momento della creazione del Suo profilo Gucci, che noi colleghiamo i suoi dati personali a determinate abitudini di comportamento (Profilazione) (per esempio accettando di ricevere comunicazioni personalizzate). Lei può sempre revocare il Suo consenso in ogni momento. |
Pubblicità online PresentarLe annunci pubblicitari online che sono “contestuali”, “comportamentali”, “definiti in base agli interessi” o “su misura”, anche attraverso l’utilizzo di cookie o altre tecnologie di pubblicità online | Il Suo consenso ai cookie o altre tecnologie di pubblicità online Lei può sempre ritirare il Suo consenso in ogni momento |
E. Per inviarLe comunicazioni non di marketing.
Potremmo inviarLe comunicazioni non di marketing su Sua richiesta, comprese informazioni che potrebbero essere importanti per la Sua sicurezza e per la sicurezza dei suoi dati personali.
Potrebbe ricevere tali comunicazioni anche quando abbia rinunciato a certe comunicazioni di marketing. La trasmissione di queste informazioni potrebbe essere necessaria per la corretta esecuzione del nostro contrattocon Lei oppure obbligatoria per adempiere ad alcuni dei nostri obblighi di legge.
Se Lei risiede negli Stati Uniti o a Guam, La preghiamo di consultare anchel’Allegato 3 - Informazioni specifiche sui messaggi di testo e istantanei per i residenti negli Stati Uniti o i residenti a Guamper ulteriori informazioni su come e quando potremmo utilizzare il Suo numero di telefono per inviarLe dei messaggi.
Comunicazioni non di marketing possono comprendere le seguenti comunicazioni (elencate in via esemplificativa e non esaustiva): invio di email per verificare la Sua identità quando si iscrive ai nostri servizi; invio di email per reimpostare password e nome utente; notificarLe che uno specifico servizio è stato o sarà sospeso per manutenzione o terminato; notificarLe un aggiornamento, una rettifica o un incidente sui nostri servizi che potrebbe coinvolgere i Suoi dati personali; notificarLe un aggiornamento alla nostra policy sulla privacy o ai Termini di Utilizzo; o inviarLe informazioni in merito ai prodotti o servizi che Lei abbia richiesto o acquistato.
Non la contatteremo mai per chiederLe la Sua password. La preghiamo di prestare attenzione qualora dovesse ricevere richieste per questo tipo di informazioni personali.
Le finalità per le quali trattiamo i suoi dati personali sono le seguenti: | Il trattamento dei suoi dati personali è giustificato dalle seguenti basi giuridiche: |
FornirLe i servizi e le informazioni da Lei richiesti. Per esempio verifica di identità, reimpostazione password o nome utente, ecc. | Esecuzione di un contratto |
FornirLe i servizi e le informazioni che dobbiamo inviarLe o fornirLe. Per esempio informazioni circa la sospensione dei nostri servizi, o in merito ad incidenti che possano riguardare i suoi dati personali, ecc. | Esecuzione di un contratto o adempimento di un obbligo legale |
Amministrazione e gestione del Suo profilo Gucci a seguito della richiesta di creazione del Suo profilo Gucci. | Esecuzione di un contratto |
F. Per gestire i nostri social network
Gucci gestisce pagine "Fan" presenti su diversi social network. Potremmo aver bisogno di trattare le informazioni messe a disposizione dalle diverse piattaforme o quando Lei interagisce con le nostre pagine e pubblicazioni.
Quando, come utente di un social media, Lei decide di interagire con le nostre pagine social media (ad esempio quando segue una delle nostre pagine, quando clicca "Mi piace" su Facebook o "Segui" su Instagram o aggiunge una reazione a un post, quando "condivide" o aggiunge un "commento", ecc.), abbiamo accesso alle informazioni pubbliche del Suo profilo. Le Sue informazioni sono utilizzate allo scopo di interagire con Lei attraverso il social network in questione o per stabilire analisi o statistiche sull'uso delle nostre pagine o sul rendimento delle nostre comunicazioni. I nostri servizi possono rimuovere i Suoi commenti se non sono conformi alle nostre politiche sull'uso dei social network (ad esempio se i Suoi commenti sono insultanti, illegali e malevoli).
Quando Lei visita la nostra pagina "Fan", se non ha un account o non è connesso al relativo social network, non raccogliamo alcun dato personale su di Lei, ad eccezione dei dati aggregati fornitici da ciascun social network.
Le finalità per le quali trattiamo i suoi dati personali sono le seguenti: | Il trattamento dei suoi dati personali è giustificato dalle seguenti basi giuridiche: |
Promozione delle attività di Gucci sui social network. | Esecuzione di un contratto, quando interagisce con noi attraverso le funzioni proposte dal social network Oppure Nostro interesse legittimo a comunicare le nostre attività Quando su tale interesse non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali. |
Analisi delle abitudini degli utenti che visitano la nostra “Fan” page o condividono i nostri contenuti. | Nostro interesse legittimo a comunicare le nostre attività |
G. Per condurre la nostra attività commerciale in sicurezza e proteggere le nostre attività e il nostro personale
Le finalità per le quali trattiamo i suoi dati personali sono le seguenti: | Il trattamento dei suoi dati personali è giustificato dalla seguente base giuridica: |
Adottare misure di prevenzione, rilevamento e indagine delle frodi per assicurare la sicurezza fisica ed informatica e per consegnarLe i nostri prodotti e servizi in sicurezza, e per proteggere la salute dei nostri dipendenti, anche attraverso registrazioni audio o video o ascolto in tempo reale di conversazioni in entrata ed in uscita con il nostro servizio clienti, previo avviso a Lei. | Esecuzione di un contratto o adempimento di un obbligo legale o nostri legittimi interessi a proteggerci dalle frodi ed a proteggere i nostri dipendenti da comportamenti inappropriati (quando su tali interessi non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali) |
In conformità alla legge applicabile, adozione di attività relative alla compliance ed alla privacy | Adempimento di un obbligo legale o nostri legittimi interessi (ove applicabile) Quando il trattamento non è prescritto dalla legge ma deriva da un’aspettativa degli enti di regolazione (quando su tali interessi non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali) |
In conformità con la legislazione applicabile, adozione di attività relative alla protezione dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale ed alla gestione del contenzioso | Adempimento di un obbligo legale O nostri legittimi interessi alla protezione dei nostri diritti (quando su tali interessi non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali) O esercizio regolare dei nostri diritti in cause e procedimenti legali,quando applicabile nel paese di residenza |
H. Per valutare e comprendere meglio la nostra attività commerciale.
Le finalità per le quali trattiamo i suoi dati personali sono le seguenti: | Il trattamento dei suoi dati personali è giustificato dalla seguente base giuridica: |
Svolgimento di attività relative al contratto di vendita o fornitura di servizi che Lei ha concluso con noi. Per esempio, contabilità, gestione del magazzino, tenuta dei registri, ecc. | Esecuzione di un contratto o adempimento di un obbligo legale |
Svolgimento di attività di analisi dati & ricerche di mercato relative all’attività commerciale | Esecuzione di un contratto Nostri legittimi interessi al miglioramento dei nostri prodotti e servizi Quando su tali interessi non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali. Suo consenso, quando risponde a sondaggi o domande relative al grado di soddisfazione clienti oppure quando utilizziamo cookies o altre tecnologie per la pubblicità online. Lei può sempre revocare il Suo consenso in ogni momento. |
Condivisione di informazioni necessarie con acquirenti attuali o potenziali nel contesto di un trasferimento dell’attività commerciale | Nostro legittimo interesse alla divulgazione di informazioni necessarie a completare le nostre transazioni commerciali |
Condivisione di informazioni necessarie con revisori contabili, studi legali, fornitori di simili servizi professionali per le aziende e fornitori di servizi di analisi dei dati |
Adempimento di un obbligo legale
O nostro legittimo interesse alla corretta conduzione della nostra attività commerciale, anche nel rispetto della legislazione applicabile e per meglio comprendere e migliorare la nostra attività commerciale (quando su tale interesse non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali) |
I. Per ottimizzare e gestire il nostro sito web ed altri mezzi di comunicazione.
Potremmo adottare determinate misure che includono l’uso dei suoi dati personali per amministrare, ottimizzare e migliorare i nostri mezzi di comunicazione digitali e fisici come il nostro sito web, la nostra applicazione mobile o l’interazione faccia a faccia nei nostri negozi.
L’utilizzo dei suoi dati personali ci consentirà di adempiere ai nostri obblighi contrattuali o migliorare i nostri servizi in linea con il nostro legittimo interesse. Naturalmente, quando utilizziamo cookie o altre tecnologie di pubblicità online, che rendano necessario il Suo previo consenso, ci assicureremo sempre di averlo puntualmente ottenuto.
Potremmo utilizzare alcuni dei suoi dati personali per amministrare, ottimizzare e migliorare i nostri siti web, le nostre applicazioni, i nostri contenuti ed altre offerte digitali, compresi servizi e prodotti offerti attraverso i nostri siti web, applicazioni od altri mezzi di comunicazione digitale per assicurare l’esperienza di navigazione online più facile da usare. Potremmo utilizzare dati personali per risolvere problemi operativi come incidenti nel caricamento delle pagine ed errori di software. La preghiamo di prestare attenzione al fatto che a tale scopo potremmo usare cookie o altre tecnologie per la pubblicità online.
Le finalità per le quali trattiamo i suoi dati personali sono le seguenti: | Il trattamento dei suoi dati personali è giustificato dalla seguente base giuridica: |
Risolvere problemi operativi come incidenti nel caricamento delle pagine ed errori di software | Esecuzione di un contratto in conformità con i Termini di Utilizzo applicabili ai nostri servizi Il Suo consenso ai cookie, quando utilizziamo cookie o altre tecnologie di pubblicità online Lei può sempre revocare il Suo consenso in ogni momento. O I nostri legittimi interessi quando utilizziamo cookie o altre tecnologie per la pubblicità online per le quali la legge non richiede il consenso Quando su tale interesse non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali |
Comprendere come i nostri mezzi di comunicazione sono utilizzati, e gestirli, ottimizzarli e migliorarli. Ciò può comprendere lo svolgimento di verifiche sulle operazioni di download di informazioni personali dal Sito web.
| Esecuzione di un contratto in conformità con i Termini di Utilizzo applicabili ai nostri servizi Il Suo consenso ai cookie, quando utilizziamo cookie o altre tecnologie di pubblicità online Può sempre ritirare il Suo consenso in ogni momento. O i nostri legittimi interessi a gestire e migliorare i nostri mezzi di comunicazione ed altri sistemi, in particolare quando utilizziamo cookie o altre tecnologie di pubblicità online per le quali la legge non richiede il consenso. Quando sui nostri legittimi interessi non prevalgano i Suoi interessi o diritti fondamentali |
When you interact with us or our approved partners, you may provide us with the following categories of personal information (that may include sensitive information in accordance with applicable legislation).
If you are a Californian resident or of certain other US states, , please see the section “What personal information do we collect?” in Appendix 4 – Specific information for U.S .
When you interact with us, either online or in person, you may share with us your personal information when:
We mainly obtain information directly from you and process them by automated means when you interact with us. When you interact with us, either online or in person, we collect your personal information through:
We want to ensure that your personal information is always safely used and available to you, wherever you want to access it and for whatever reason you wish to use it.
Gucci will collect, record, hold, organize, structure, store, update, adapt, combine, consult, use, transfer and disclose your personal information for the following purposes. Your personal information will not be further used for purposes incompatible or inconsistent with the purposes for which it was collected, unless permitted by the applicable legislation.
The processing of your personal information is justified on the legal bases set out in this section. The legal bases listed in this section will also apply when we share your data with third parties (as listed in the section With whom do we share your personal information? ) for one of the purposes mentioned below.
When we require information from you for the below mentioned purposes, we generally request you to submit this to us voluntarily, i.e. you have the right to consent or not to consent to the collection and processing of your personal data. If you choose not to provide certain personal information, you may not be able to benefit from some of our services for which the provision of such personal information is necessary.
If you would like more information, you can contact us at (or see How can you contact us?)
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Providing you with the products and services you have purchased or otherwise requested either in our stores or online. This involves any action necessary to perform our obligations under the sale or service contract you conclude with us (processing of your payment, delivery, return management, etc.) For purchases made on our website, the contract is our Terms and Conditions of Sale. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified on the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam, China and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. | Performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online Any other situation will require your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us, | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us,. |
B. To manage your Gucci profile.
Once you have requested us to create your Gucci profile, via Gucci websites or any other means, including our customer service, your personal information will be linked to this profile, where we will keep all the information we have on you. This could include personal information we obtain directly from you as well as from other sources in accordance with applicable legislation. This could also include information about the purchases made when checking out as a guest or when checking out using a profile. The information in your Gucci profile is crucial to provide you with the Gucci personalized and tailored experience, and in some cases is necessary in order to access to some specific services or to purchase from our website, and thus it needs to be kept up to date for the best experience.
Once you have asked us to create your Gucci profile, we will supplement it with personal information such as your purchases, preferences and contact details. In this context, please be aware that we use personal identification information, such as your email address or phone number, to link an interaction or a purchase with your Gucci profile. This also applies when checking-out as a guest on our website when making a purchase, as mentioned above, or in case you bind your social media open ID account with your Gucci profile (by using dedicated QR Codes for example). In addition, we may use your date of birth to determine that you are old enough to use our services.
In order to keep your personal information accurate, we will take every reasonable step to ensure that personal information we hold is properly updated. Subject to your applicable privacy legislation you may have the right to have your information rectified at any time, and in event please let us know if any of your information needs updating or correcting, and we will make our best efforts to detect and correct inaccurate personal information (data cleansing) and delete any duplicated dataset. This may require us to correct typographical errors or inconsistent personal information.
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Administering, managing and maintaining your Gucci profile once you have requested us to create it. This could include data cleansing and deduplication. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified on the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Our legitimate interest Once your profile has been created upon your request, to supplement it with the personal information you provide us during our interactions and thus ensure we retain the most accurate and up-to-date version of your profile (and such legitimate interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights) | Performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online Any other situation will require your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us, | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us, |
C. To provide you with tailored customer service and assistance.
You should have the same unified experience no matter how we communicate. Whether this happens in our stores, on our website, by chat, by phone or by video, and whether you contact us or we contact you, we want to provide you with relevant and tailored customer service.
For this purpose of providing you the Gucci experience, we will collect, store, process, use, disclose and transfer your personal information to be able to identify you. This will allow us to provide you with the tailored assistance you are asking for or to share relevant information with you. In addition, when you contact us, we may retain the personal information you share with us to always provide you with such a customised and personalised experience. This could happen if you are an existing or potential customer. Your personal information will be linked to your Gucci profile, if you have requested us to create one, or to a temporary record.
To provide you with a smooth and enjoyable customer experience, know you better to provide you with tailored answers, and to improve the quality and security of our services, we may rely on your consent, proceed in accordance with our contract with you, or take all reasonable steps to enter into a contract with you, or rely on our legitimate interest to improve our services.
We will use the information we have about you to try to identify you when you contact us (whether by phone, video chat, text message, chat, social media, etc.). When we can identify you, we will be able to access personal information available in your Gucci profile or in your temporary record, to know when you have previously interacted with us and to provide you with the tailored assistance you are asking for. This could include real-time or subsequent monitoring of your interaction with us (for example on our website or in a store) to identify the products you are looking at or what could be your specific need.
To provide you with adequate customer service, you may be asked if you need further assistance when you are on our website or in a store. On our website, if you do not want to be contacted, kindly close the chat navigation window. This service was implemented for you to enjoy the same service as in one of our physical stores.
If we are not able to identify you, we may create a temporary record to allow you to have a unified purchase experience. Indeed, however you interact with us, we will do our best to avoid asking you again for information you have already shared with us.
Your personal information, in particular your Gucci profile if you have created one or the temporary record we may create about you, could enable our sales associates to contact you directly in relation to the products and services you have purchased or otherwise requested, such as when a product becomes available again or when an order you have placed has been received in store, or to share with you any other information you have requested from us. In addition, the monitoring of our interaction (including, with prior notice to you, via voice or video recording – such as real time listening or analysis – or listening in real time,) enables us to improve the quality and safety of our services and to provide you with tailored answers.
All our customers are important to us. However, some of our customers and potential customers benefit from a more personalized experience due to the important relationship they keep with Gucci. Our teams may need to collect and gather information on such customers or potential customers in order to identify personalities who correspond to the image and values of Gucci to offer them unique support. This may be the case when you participate in one of our selective projects or when our Sales Associates offers you to participate in events or contacts you for certain special occasions (for your birthdays or for a particular event of your life).
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Administering, managing and maintaining your Gucci profile This will be done if you have requested us to create your Gucci profile and if we are able to identify you. We will supplement your Gucci profile with the personal information you provide us with when you contact us or when we contact you. This could include data cleansing and deduplication. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified on the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Our legitimate interest Once your profile has been created upon your request, to supplement it with the personal information you provide us during our interactions and thus ensure we retain the most accurate and up-to-date version of your profile (and such legitimate interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights) | Performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online Any other situation will require your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us, | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us, |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Administering, managing and maintaining a temporary record This will be done if we are not able to identify you. We will supplement this temporary record with information you provide us with when you contact us or when we contact you, to avoid asking you again for information you have already shared with us and provide with you tailored assistance about our products and services. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified on the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Our legitimate interest When we are not able to identify you, to supplement a temporary record to provide you tailored assistance (and such interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights) | Your consent As deemed obtained when you choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us | Your consent As deemed obtained when you choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Inbound interaction – Providing you with the products, services or information you may request when you contact us | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified on the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. | Performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online Any other situation will require your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Outbound interaction - Contacting you directly in connection with the products, services and information you have requested | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified on the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Our legitimate interest To provide you with an adequate answer when our interaction is not related to the formation or performance of a contract (and such interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights) | Performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online Any other situation will require your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Realtime interaction – To allow you to try on our products virtually or interact with other customers | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified on the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Our legitimate interest To provide you with tailored assistance when we are not able to identify you (and when such interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights) Or your consent if your facial image is pictured or if your personal information is visible to other customers | Performance of a contract When we collect information to provide you with relevant assistance about our products or services Any other situation will require your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. We will notably rely on your consent if your facial image is pictured or if your personal information is visible to other customers. | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Real-time or further monitoring of our interaction, to enable us to improve the quality and safety of our service and provide you with better answers. This monitoring could be implemented during both inbound and outbound interactions and could be carried out via voice or video recording or listening in real time, with prior notice to you. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified on the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Our legitimate interest When we collect information to improve the quality and safety of our service (and when such interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights) Your consent, as deemed obtained when you choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. When we collect information to provide you with relevant assistance about our products or services Or your consent to cookies when such monitoring is done on our website via cookies or other online advertising technologies | Your consent, as deemed obtained when you choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. When we collect information to provide you with relevant assistance about our products or services Or your consent to cookies when such monitoring is done on our website via cookies or other online advertising technologies | Your consent, as deemed obtained when you choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. When we collect information to provide you with relevant assistance about our products or services Or your consent to cookies when such monitoring is done on our website via cookies or other online advertising technologies |
D. To enable you to receive relevant information and tailored marketing content.
You will receive information and updates about us either at your request (with your prior consent where required by law) or when we are authorised by law to send you such information and updates directly, for instance after a purchase or a reservation within one of our restaurant. Such communication can be global or local, and may include updates about our products and services, notifications, invitations to events, updates on our restaurant’s initiatives, offers, surveys, etc.
Our communications will be customised and specifically designed to be of interest to you, and will be updated with any new personal information linked to your Gucci profile. We will thus use your personal information to send you tailored communications or other customised advertisements or marketing campaigns. This use of your information includes some profiling activity.
When you share your contact information with us, we may use this personal information to contact you through related communication channels (such as text message, MMS, e-mail, post, internet means, social media or telephone), with your consent where required. You can of course request us not to use a particular channel of communication or opt-out (unsubscribe) from it by applying the opt-out option that will always be shared with you. If you want to stop receiving communication from us via all communication channels, please send an email to .
As part of the Gucci experience, we will always try to customise and personalise your experience with us. This is why we will use your personal information to send you tailored communications or personalise your journey with us, but only with your prior consent where it is required under applicable privacy legislation. Our communications could include tailored product recommendations we think you might like, personalised marketing content designed to suit your interests, personalised events invitations or, at your request and where available, personalised and customised products. For these purposes, we will use the information you provide to us (for example your date of birth, your country of residence, your preferred means of contact, etc.) and/or jointly or independently, certain patterns we may observe when interacting with you (for example where you prefer buying our products, what type of products you like, which occasions you are shopping for, etc.). With this information, we may create groups of similar customers (called “persona”) to whom we can decide to offer personalised content and experiences both in inbound or outbound interactions. In this context, we may make inferences about you, as derived from your personal information (profiling). For example, if you always purchase our products from the same store (specific location or online), we may consider this store as your preferred one. This will allow us to customise your experience with Gucci based on your interests and shopping habits (i.e. tailored communication). In order to provide you with such customised and personalised experience, in our stores or online, you may be required to log in or identify yourself.
To enrich your personal information, we may use cookies or other online advertising technologies. Via such technologies, we will collect personal information related to your activities on social media and your browsing activity across different websites and devices (for example: to know if you have visited our website after opening a newsletter you have received). Certain technologies may rely on services provided by other companies acting on their own account (such as social media WeChat, WhatsApp, Baidu, Kakao Talk, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other online platforms). These companies have their own privacy and cookies policies and the way they use the personal information you share with them will be subject to their rules and not ours.
To enrich your personal information, we can match it with personal information held by others (for example, by sharing and matching your information with information held by trusted partners, or by binding your social media open ID account with your Gucci profile (by using the dedicated QR Codes for example). This process will only be conducted by using customers’ unique identifiers and reidentification protocols in order to protect the confidentiality of your personal information.
Personal information linked to your Gucci profile (your identification personal information such as your e-mail address, phone number, social network id, etc.) will enable us to reach you on third-party platforms or to create “ lookalike campaigns”, allowing us to find new people who are likely to be interested in our products because they may be similar to you. We may conduct such campaigns through our website, social media or other communication means such as search engine. When this kind of campaigns are conducted, before it is shared, your personal information is hashed and turned into short fingerprints that cannot be reversed.
Using cookies or other online advertising technologies may also enable us to show you online advertisements that are “contextual" (meaning they are shown according to the webpage you are browsing), or “behavioural" or “interest based" (where advertisements are shown to you based on your interests which we have inferred from your information including demographic, geographic and interest-based data). We may use such advertisements to display products or services that are most relevant to you.
If you no longer want to see customised online advertisements, you may request us to delete your Gucci profile or modify your cookie preferences – see "cookies or other online advertising technologies". In addition, some third-party sites allow you to stop seeing advertisements from specific advertisers, so you may also set your preferences on those websites.
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Sending or presenting you with tailored communication This includes communication such as updates about our products and services, invitations to events, offers, surveys. When you share your contact information with us, we will use such personal information to contact you through related communication channels (such as text message, MMS, e-mail, post, internet, social media or telephone). We will always do our best to provide you with tailored communication based in particular on your interests and shopping habits, and improve and customise our services notably via profiling. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Our legitimate interest in providing you with customised content When such interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights and we are authorised by law to send you such communication without your consent Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile. | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile. |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Updating and supplementing or enriching your personal information This includes conducting data cleansing and deduplication. This also includes enriching your personal information with second party data or information related to your activities on social media and your browsing activity across different websites and devices. Some of the technologies we use (including cookies) may rely on services provided by other companies acting on their own account (such as social media - WeChat, WhatsApp, Baidu, Kakao Talk, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other online platforms). You may have provided your consent to cookies and other technologies through such platforms. These other companies have their own privacy and cookies policies and the way they use your personal information will be subject to their rules and not ours. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us Or compliance with a legal obligation When such update relates to the administration and management of your Gucci profile, including taking actions following a rectification or erasure request.
| Performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online, and such update relates to the administration and management of your Gucci profile Or compliance with a legal obligation When taking actions following a rectification or erasure request. Any other situation will require your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. | Compliance with a legal obligation When taking actions following a rectification or erasure request. Any other situation will require your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Creating lookalike campaigns Lookalike campaigns enables us to reach new people who are likely to be interested in our products because they are similar to you. Some of the technologies we use (including cookies) may rely on services provided by other companies acting on their account (such as social media - WeChat, WhatsApp, Baidu, Kakao Talk, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other online platforms). You may have provided your consent to cookies and other technologies through such platforms. These other companies have their own privacy and cookies policies and the way they use your personal information will be subject to their rules and not ours. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Your consent when you accept, at the creation of your Gucci profile, that we link your personal information to certain patterns (Profiling) (for example by accepting to receive tailored communication). | Your consent, when you accept, at the creation of your Gucci profile, that we link your personal information to certain patterns (Profiling) (for example by accepting to receive tailored communication). | Your consent, when you accept, at the creation of your Gucci profile, that we link your personal information to certain patterns (Profiling) (for example by accepting to receive tailored communication). |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Online advertisement Presenting you with online advertisements that are “contextual", “behavioural", “interest- based" or “tailored”, including by using cookies or other online advertising technologies | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Your consent to cookies or other online advertising technologies | Your consent to cookies or other online advertising technologies | Your consent to cookies or other online advertising technologies |
E. To send you non-marketing communications.
Non-marketing communications may be sent upon your request, and/or may be important for your safety and the security of your personal information.
You may still receive such communications even when you opt-out from certain marketing communications. The information communicated may be necessary for the correct performance of our contract with you or be mandatory to comply with some of our legal obligations.
Non-marketing communications can include, but are not limited to: emailing you to verify your identity when you sign up to our services; emailing you for password and/or username reset; notifying you that a particular service has been or will be suspended for maintenance or terminated; notifying you of an upgrade, a rectification or an incident affecting our services that may involve your personal information; notifying you of an update to our privacy policy or Terms of Use; or informing you about any products or services you have requested or purchased.
We will never contact you to ask for your password. Please be aware if you receive any request for this personal information.
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Providing you with the services and information you requested. For example identity verification, password or username reset, etc. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. | Performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online Any other situation will require your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Providing you with the services and information we need to send or provide you. For example information about the suspension of our services, about incidents that may involve your personal information, etc. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us, Or compliance with a legal obligation
| Compliance with a legal obligation, Or performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online, Otherwise your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us | Compliance with a legal obligation Or your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Administering and managing your Gucci profile once you have requested us to create your Gucci profile | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. | Performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online Any other situation will require your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. |
F. To manage our social networks
Gucci manages “Fan” pages available on several social networks. We may need to process the information made available by the different platforms or when you interact with our pages and publications.
When, as a user, you decide to interact with our social media pages (e.g. when you follow one of our pages, when you click "Like" on Facebook or "Follow" on Instagram or add a reaction to a post, when you "share" or add a "comment", etc.), we have access to public information in your profile. Your information is used for the purpose of interacting with you through the social network in question or to establish analyzes or statistics on the use of our pages or on the performance of our communications. Our services may remove your comments if they do not comply with our policies on the use of social networks (e.g. if your comments are insulting, illegal or malicious).
When you visit our “Fan” page, when you do not have an account or are not logged in to the relevant social network, we do not collect any personal information about you, except for the aggregated data provided to us by each social network.
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Promote Gucci 's activities on social networks. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Our legitimate interests in communicating on our activities When such interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights. Your consent, when you interact with us
| Performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online, including when you interact with us via the features proposed by the social network Otherwise your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us | Compliance with a legal obligation Or your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Analyze the habits of users who visit our “Fan” pages or share our content. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Our legitimate interests in communicating on our activities When such interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights. Your consent, when you interact with us | Your consent, when you interact with us | Your consent, when you interact with us |
G. To conduct our business securely and protect our activities and personnel.
To deliver our products and services safely to you, perform our contract properly or comply with some of our legal obligations, we will implement fraud prevention and detection measures. Such measures will allow us to adequately perform our contract with you and/or protect our legitimate interests in defending ourselves against fraud. We may notably implement measures to ensure that you are complying with our terms and conditions for sales, available in this website, offers and programs, and to prevent and detect non-compliance or fraud by you. This may include reviewing and assessing your dealings with us, your eligibility to participate in certain sales, offers and programs, your compliance with the terms and conditions of such sales, offers and programs, and undertaking enforcement action and/or disciplinary action where such non-compliance or fraud is suspected or identified.
We may use administrative and technical measures to protect, our website, our systems, our networks, transactions occurring on our website or in our stores, and any other necessary means to protect the personal information we may access or store. For this purpose, we may also be required to verify your identity or to take note of any suspicious or actual non-compliance with our terms and conditions or fraud we incurred with respect to your dealings with us. Such measures may also be implemented for compliance purposes or to avoid sharing your personal information with any untrusted third parties. For example, when you purchase a product, your personal information will be associated with a unique code placed into and/or printed on such product so that by reading the unique code we can recognize the order as yours, to enable us to assess your compliance with our terms and conditions or to detect fraud by you, and to take enforcement and/or disciplinary action against you in the event of suspected or identified non-compliance or fraud by you.
In addition, we may implement certain measures to protect and defend our rights and property, our employees and our business partners in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and international conventions. For example, we can monitor our inbound and outbound interaction with our customer service (including via voice or video recording or listening in real time, with prior notice to you); also, mindful of the health of our employees, and for this sole purpose, we implement an anti-malicious calls procedure so that any occurrence of inappropriate behaviors such as harassment, insults or direct threats from users will be reported to our dedicated team. This will generate a warning to the concerned user and they will be recorded on our provisional list. The initial warning will set out the consequences of a second incident occurring. A second incident will lead to the suspension of any further calls from the user in question for a period of 4 months. During this period, the user will still be able to contact our customer services by other communication channels (e.g., regular mail or email) so we can attend their queries and preserve their rights at any given time.
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Implementing fraud prevention, detection and investigation measures and procedures against inappropriate behaviors against our employees to ensure physical security and cybersecurity, to safely deliver you products and services and to protect the health of our employees, also via voice or video recording or listening in real time both inbound and outbound conversations with our customer service, with prior notice to you. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Compliance with a legal obligation or our legitimate interests in protecting ourselves against fraud, protecting our employees against inappropriate behaviors, preventing criminal activity or collecting relevant information thereon or initiating an investigation thereof, and collecting information necessary for the investigation of any criminal activity, based on an official request from the investigating authorities (when such interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights) | Compliance with a legal obligation, or performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online Otherwise your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us | Compliance with a legal obligation Or your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
In accordance with applicable law, implementing compliance-related and privacy-related activities | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Compliance with a legal obligation or our legitimate interest Where the processing is not prescribed by law but is a regulatory expectation (and such interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights) | Compliance with a legal obligation Or your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us | Compliance with a legal obligation Or your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
In accordance with applicable law, implementing activities related to the protection of intellectual property rights and management of litigation cases | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Compliance with a legal obligation or our legitimate interests in protecting our rights (when such interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights) | Compliance with a legal obligation Or your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us | Compliance with a legal obligation Or your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us |
H. To assess and better understand our business.
To manage our activities, perform our obligations under our contract with you and comply with our legal obligations, we may need to access and use some of your personal information for finance, management or legal purposes, or business-related analytics & market research activities.
For example, this could occur when we use the invoices we have issued in relation to your purchases for compliance or accountability purposes, or when we analyse personal information to understand the characteristics of our customers (what is the gender proportion, the average age etc.).
In certain limited circumstances, such activity may be based on our legitimate interest when related to business analytics & market research activities
Certain activities which are required when conducting a business may involve the use of your personal information. This could include internal processes (such as finance control, accounting, stock management, production management, internal or external audit), certain legal obligations (for example, record-keeping or tax declaration), or analyses conducted in case of a merger or acquisition.
We may also conduct various business-related analytics & market research activities, which may require us to access or otherwise use some of your personal information, or to send you surveys or customer satisfaction questions in order to gather new or additional information. This notably enables us to analyse and learn how our customers use and interact with us in order to improve products, services and our business in general. It is also important for us to conduct operations that allow us to analyze and measure the performance of our marketing or communications campaigns. This may be the case, for example, when you click on one of our ads on our business partners website or when you make a purchase after viewing one of their ads. Please be aware that to do this, we may use cookies or other online advertising technologies.
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Performing activities relating to the sale or service contract you have concluded with us. For example, accounting, stock management, keeping of records, etc. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam, China and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Compliance with a legal obligation Or your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us. | Compliance with a legal obligation, or performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online, Otherwise your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us | Compliance with a legal obligation, Or your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Conducting business-related analytics & market research activities | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Our legitimate interests in improving our products or services When such interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights. Your consent, when you answer surveys or customer satisfaction questions or when we use cookies or other online advertising technologies. | Performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online Any other situation will require your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us Or your consent to cookies, when we use cookies or other online advertising technologies | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us,
Or your consent to cookies, when we use cookies or other online advertising technologies
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Sharing necessary information with actual or potential buyers as part of a business transfer | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar and China | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Our legitimate interest in disclosing information necessary to complete our business transactions | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Sharing necessary information with auditors, law firms and similar corporate professional service providers, data analysis providers | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Compliance with a legal obligation Or our legitimate interest of properly carrying out our business including in compliance with applicable legislation and to better understand and improve our business (when such interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights) | Compliance with a legal obligation, Or your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us | Compliance with a legal obligation, Or your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us |
I. To optimise and manage our website and other means of communication.
We may take certain measures involving the use of your personal information to administer, optimise and improve our means of digital or physical communications such as our website, our mobile application, or face-to-face interaction in our stores.
The use of your personal information will allow us to perform our contractual obligations or improve our services in accordance with our legitimate interest. Of course, when we use cookies or other online advertising technologies requiring us to do so, we will always ensure that we have duly obtained your prior consent.
We may use some of your personal information to administer, optimise and improve our websites, our applications, our content and our other digital offerings, including the services and products offered through our websites, applications or any other digital means of communication to ensure the most user-friendly online navigation experience. We may use such personal information to fix operational problems such as pages crashing and software bugs. Please be aware that to do this, we may use cookies or other online advertising technologies.
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Fixing operational problems such as pages crashing and software bugs | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us, Or your consent to cookies, when we use cookies or other online advertising technologies Or our legitimate interests when we use cookies or other online advertising technologies for which consent is not required under applicable law When such interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights | Performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online Any other situation will require your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us, Or your consent to cookies, when we use cookies or other online advertising technologies | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us, Or your consent to cookies, when we use cookies or other online advertising technologies |
The purposes for which we process your personal information are as follows: | ||
Understanding how our means of communication are used and administer, optimise and improve them. This can include auditing the downloading of personal information from the Website. | ||
The processing of your personal information is justified by the following legal basis: | ||
Qatar | Vietnam and Saudi Arabia | Kuwait, China, Mexico, Chile, South Korea and Azerbaijan |
Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us, Or your consent when we use cookies or other online advertising technologies Or our legitimate interests to administer and improve our means of communication and other systems, in particular when using cookies or other online advertising technologies for which consent is not required under applicable law When our legitimate interest is not overridden by your own interests or fundamental rights | Performance of a contract When you provided us with your personal information in relation to an online purchase or any other request for products or services made online Any other situation will require your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us, Or your consent to cookies, when we use cookies or other online advertising technologies | Your consent, as provided when you create your Gucci profile or deemed obtain when you otherwise choose to enter into a contract or voluntarily share your information with us, Or your consent to cookies, when we use cookies or other online advertising technologies |
Category | Source | Purpose of processing |
Identifiers such as a real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, social security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers, including information about your vehicle. | We may collect information in this category directly from you or your interactions with our websites, applications, or sales associates, both in person and via phone, email, chat, or text messages. We may also collect information in this category from the third party sources set out in the “Who Are Our Third-Party Sources” section. | This set of personal information enables us to identify you, manage your Gucci profile, provide you with customer service and assistance and, in some cases, to contact you, including by sending you relevant information and tailored marketing content.
In addition, some of our goods may be equipped with tags (e.g. RFID or NFC) and/or a printed code, which could be associated with your personal information, in order to detect security incidents and to protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity. |
Information that identifies, relates to, describes, or is capable of being associated with, a particular individual, including, but not limited to, your name, signature, social security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver's license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information. | We may collect information in this category directly from you or your interactions with our websites, applications, or sales associates, both in person and via phone, email, chat, or text messages. We may also collect information in this category from the third party sources set out in the “Who are Our Third-Party Sources” section. | This set of personal information enables us to identify you, manage your Gucci profile, provide you with customer service and assistance and, in some cases, to contact you, including by sending you relevant information and tailored marketing content. |
Commercial information, including records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies. | We may collect information in this category directly from you or your interactions with our websites, applications, or sales associates, both in person and via phone, email, chat, or text messages. We may also collect information in this category from the third party sources set out in the “Who are Our Third-Party Sources” section. | This set of personal information enables us to provide you with the products and services you have requested, manage your Gucci profile, provide you with relevant customer service and assistance, secure our communications and to manage and better understand our business. |
Internet or other electronic network activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with an Internet Web site, application, or advertisement. | We may collect information in this category from the use of cookies. | This set of personal information enables us to always offer you the optimum service by understanding you better. We use it to manage your Gucci profile, provide you with relevant customer service and assistance and also, in certain circumstances, to contact you for example by sending you relevant information, updates and tailored marketing content. |
Geolocation data. | We may collect information in this category directly from you or your interactions with our websites, applications, or sales associates, both in person and via phone, email, chat, or text messages. We may also collect information in this category from the third party sources set out in the “Who are Our Third-Party Sources” section. We may also collect this information from the use of cookies. | This set of personal information enables better delivery of the service you expect from us. It could include personal information related to your interactions with us and allows us to manage your Gucci profile, provide relevant customer service and tailored marketing content, establish communications and conduct our business securely, assess and better understand our business, and optimise and manage our website and other means of communication. |
Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information. | We may collect information in this category directly from you or your interactions with our websites, applications, or sales associates, both in person and via phone, email, chat, or text messages.
We may also collect information in this category from the third party sources set out in the “Who are Our Third-Party Sources” section. |
This data (e.g. recordings of customer service calls, tags (e.g. RFID or NFC) and/or printed codes which could be associated with your personal information) is processed to answer your queries, detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity, and for compliance management. |
Inferences (defined as “the derivation of information, data, assumptions, or conclusions from facts, evidence, or another source of information or data”) drawn from any of the information identified in this subdivision to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, preferences, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes. | We may collect information in this category directly from you or your interactions with our websites, applications, or sales associates, both in person and via phone, email, chat, or text messages. We may also collect information in this category from the third party sources set out in the “Who are Our Third-Party Sources” section. We may also collect this information from the use of cookies. | This set of personal information enables us to always offer you the optimum service by understanding you better. We use it to manage your Gucci profile, provide you with relevant customer service and assistance and also, in certain circumstances, to contact you for example by sending you relevant information, updates and tailored marketing content. |
In addition to the categories of information above, we also collect the following categories of sensitive personal information:
Category | Source | Purpose of processing |
Social security number, driver’s license number or other state ID number, and passport information. | We may collect information in this category directly from you or your interactions with our websites, applications, or sales associates, both in person and via phone, email, chat, or text messages. We may also collect information in this category from the third party sources set out in the “Who are Our Third-Party Sources” section. | This set of personal information enables us to identify you, manage your Gucci profile, provide you with customer service and assistance and, in some cases, to contact you, including by sending you relevant information and tailored marketing content. In addition, some of our goods may be equipped with tags (e.g. RFID or NFC) and/or a printed code, which could be associated with your personal information, in order to detect security incidents and to protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity. |
Personal data of a known child. | We may collect information in this category directly from you or your interactions with our websites, applications, or sales associates, both in person and via phone, email, chat, or text messages. We may also collect information in this category from the third party sources set out in the “Who are Our Third-Party Sources” section. We may also collect this information from the use of cookies. | This set of personal information enables us to identify you, manage your Gucci profile, provide you with customer service and assistance and, in some cases, to contact you, including by sending you relevant information and tailored marketing content. In addition, some of our goods may be equipped with tags (e.g. RFID or NFC) and/or a printed code, which could be associated with your personal information, in order to detect security incidents and to protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity.
As set out in our Cookie Policy, if you choose to enable third party cookies via Cookie Settings, third parties (such as approved analytics and advertising partners) will collect your personal information via automated technologies on our websites and applications, primarily in an effort to provide you with content and advertisements that may be of interest to you and on the legal bases set out in this privacy policy. The choice is yours. You may elect not to send your personal data to them at any time.
We have implemented a cookie “door” to ensure your cookie preferences are honored. We also have tools in place to better detect requests made using the Global Privacy Controls (“GPC”) signal as requests to opt-out of the sharing of personal information to the extent required by applicable law. If you wish to manage your cookie preferences directly with us, please go to our cookies settings or make a request using one of the methods outlined in Section C of this appendix.
Please note that deciding not to share your information via third party cookies does not mean you will stop seeing ads, but these ads will not be tailored to you based on information derived from your activities on our websites.
Please also note that depending on your selection, we may still share your information in ways that are not a “sale” or “sharing” under applicable state laws, such as with our service providers, for our own online advertising purposes.
Subject to certain conditions and limitations, you may have the following rights with respect to personal information about you:
A. Right of access/Right to know – You may be entitled to request that we disclose to you personal information we have collected about you, in the preceding 12 months, the categories of sources from which the information was collected, the purposes of collecting the information, the categories of third parties we have shared the information with, and the categories of personal information that have been shared with third parties for a business purpose. Before providing any of this information, we must be able to verify your identity.
B. Right of data portability – In some instances, you may have the right to receive the information about you in a portable and readily usable format.
C. Right to have personal information erased – Subject to certain conditions, you may be entitled to request that we delete personal information about you. We will not delete personal information about you when the information is required to fulfill a legal obligation, is necessary to exercise or defend legal claims, or where we are required or permitted to retain the information by law.
D. Right to correct – You may be entitled to request that we delete personal information about you. Before deleting information, we must be able to verify your identity. We will not delete personal information about you when the information is required to fulfill a legal obligation, is necessary to exercise or defend legal claims, or where we are required or permitted to retain the information by law. For example, we cannot delete information about you if your personal information is on the contract between us for our services or products.
E. Right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of personal information – You have the right to opt-out of information sharing that constitutes “sharing” personal information, as defined by applicable law.
Depending on your state of residency, these rights may not apply to pseudonymous data if the information necessary to identify the consumer is kept separately and is subject to controls that prevent access to the information. Pseudonymous data is personal data that can no longer be attributed to a specific individual without the use of additional information, if the additional information is kept separately and is subject measures to ensure that personal data is not attributed to the specific individual.
Data solely retained for data backup or archive purposes is principally excluded from these rights until it is restored to an active system or next accessed or used for a sale, disclosure, or commercial purpose.
If you chose to exercise any of these rights, we will not discriminate against you on the basis of choosing to exercise your privacy rights.
Additional Information for Residents of California: If you are a California resident you also have the right to submit a Shine the Light Request, which means you may request that we provide you with a list of certain categories of personal information we have disclosed to third parties for their direct marketing purposes during the immediately preceding calendar year, as well as the identity of those third parties. Any such disclosures will be made consistent with your choices in Cookie Settings. You may contact us at the information below for a listing.
Verification of your request
Before providing you with the above rights, we must be able to verify your identity. In order to verify your identity, you will need to submit information about yourself, including, to the extent applicable, providing your account login credentials or other account information, answers to security questions, your name, government identification number we already have on file, date of birth, contact information, or other personal identifying information. We will match this information against information we have previously collected about you to verify your identity and your request. To the extent you maintain an account with us, we will require you to login to that account as part of submitting your request. If we are unable to verify your identity as part of your request, we will not be able to satisfy your request. We are not obligated to collect additional information in order to enable you to verify your identity. For deletion requests, you will be required to submit a verifiable request for deletion and then to confirm separately that you want personal information about you deleted.
If you would like to appoint an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf, we require you to verify your identity with us directly before we provide any requested information to your approved agent. Alternatively, your authorized agent may provide evidence of having power of attorney or acting as a conservator for you. Note that we may require you to verify your identity with us directly before we provide any requested information to your authorized agent unless your authorized agent has power of attorney or acts as a conservator, in which case we will not contact you directly. We may also request that any authorized agents verify their identity and may reach out to you directly to confirm that you have provided the agent with your permission to submit the request on your behalf.
How to make your request
Depending on where you reside, you may be entitled to make either one or two requests per calendar year, free of charge. You will be charged a fee for subsequent requests exceeding this limit. Under applicable privacy law, and for the protection of your personal information, we may be limited in what personal information we can disclose.
In your request, please attest to your state of residency and provide a current address for your response. You may request this information in writing by contacting us at , by completing the form available here or calling our toll-free number +1.877.482.2430.
Additional Information for Residents of California and Colorado: For residents of California and Colorado, we will maintain all of your privacy rights requests for at least 2 years. This information will not be used for any other purpose except to review compliance processes; it will not be shared except as necessary to comply with a legal obligation. For residents of Colorado, sensitive data which we no longer have consent to process will be deleted or rendered permanently anonymized or inaccessible within a reasonable period of time after withdrawal of consent.
When can you expect to hear from us
We will confirm receipt of your request within 10 business days and provide information about how we will process the request, including the verification process and expected response time. Please allow up to forty-five (45) days for a response, from the day the request is received. We may require an additional forty-five (45) calendar day extension. Residents of Iowa should allow up to ninety (90) days for a response, not including the additional forty-five (45) calendar day extension.
Depending on your state of residency, you may be entitled to appeal our decision with regard to your request.
Additional Information: to the extent permitted by applicable law, we may charge a reasonable fee to comply with your request. This statement is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact or +1.877.482.2430 to request this statement in an alternative format.