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 A reflection of culture and innovation, the new store windows concept showcases special objects and ideas coming together to blend past, present, and future.
Encouraging visitors and viewers to discover the infinite stories held by unique objects, Gucci boutiques around the world reveal Endless Narratives, the new window concept exhibiting a mirrored library of curated treasures. Reflections unfold a myriad of interpretations, where books and archival bookends, miniature sculptures, and limited-edition art by Luca Pignatelli welcome an immersive experience. On these shelves, art history, culture, and contemporary inspirations flow together, creating endless narratives.

The new windows are an invitation to step closer and explore different perspectives. Embodying the ever-evolving creativity at the heart of the House, Endless Narratives will inspire Gucci boutiques throughout the year, with objects continually changing alongside featured products and new collections.
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The new store windows concept, Endless Narratives, intertwines objects and ideas, creating infinite stories through a mirrored library.Unveiling Endless Narratives

  • London
The new store windows concept, Endless Narratives, intertwines objects and ideas, creating infinite stories through a mirrored library.Unveiling Endless Narratives
  • London
The new store windows concept, Endless Narratives, intertwines objects and ideas, creating infinite stories through a mirrored library.Unveiling Endless Narratives
  • London
The new store windows concept, Endless Narratives, intertwines objects and ideas, creating infinite stories through a mirrored library.Unveiling Endless Narratives
  • Seoul
The new store windows concept, Endless Narratives, intertwines objects and ideas, creating infinite stories through a mirrored library.Unveiling Endless Narratives
  • Seoul
The new store windows concept, Endless Narratives, intertwines objects and ideas, creating infinite stories through a mirrored library.Unveiling Endless Narratives

  • Tokyo
The new store windows concept, Endless Narratives, intertwines objects and ideas, creating infinite stories through a mirrored library.Unveiling Endless Narratives
  • Milan
  • Timor, Enzo Mari 1967, Danese Milano
The new store windows concept, Endless Narratives, intertwines objects and ideas, creating infinite stories through a mirrored library.Unveiling Endless Narratives
  • Milan
The new store windows concept, Endless Narratives, intertwines objects and ideas, creating infinite stories through a mirrored library.Unveiling Endless Narratives
  • Tokyo
  • Timor, Enzo Mari 1967, Danese Milano
The new store windows concept, Endless Narratives, intertwines objects and ideas, creating infinite stories through a mirrored library.Unveiling Endless Narratives
  • Tokyo
The new store windows concept, Endless Narratives, intertwines objects and ideas, creating infinite stories through a mirrored library.Unveiling Endless Narratives

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