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Chang Chen and Global Brand Ambassador Ni Ni for Gucci Valigeria.
Highlighting the special kind of beauty that travel brings, especially when you find yourself beside a friend that is like family, Global Brand Ambassador Ni Ni and Chang Chen cross paths in a moment of immediate emotion—a moment full of life. Throughout the campaign envisioned by Sabato De Sarno, heritage-infused Gucci Savoy bagportrayay how the House’s travel narrative that started at the turn of the twentieth century when Guccio Gucci worked as a luggage porter in London continues to arrive in the present moment.
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Chang Chen and Global Brand Ambassador Ni Ni  for Gucci Valigeria. Familiar Encounters

Chang Chen and Global Brand Ambassador Ni Ni  for Gucci Valigeria. Familiar Encounters
Chang Chen and Global Brand Ambassador Ni Ni  for Gucci Valigeria. Familiar Encounters
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