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A digital experience mirroring the archival exhibition
arrives in The Sandbox.
While Gucci Cosmos is open at 180 Studios in London, a similarly immersive journey through the House’s past, present, and future can be taken within The Sandbox Metaverse. With various interactive games, the digitized exhibition worlds and the archival pieces trace the origin stories of the House and its codes, revealing how Gucci’s flair for following wherever inspiration may lead has created a strong gravitational pull across eras.
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Gucci Cosmos Land brings the House’s multifaceted heritage to The Sandbox.Gucci Cosmos Land

Gucci Cosmos Land brings the House’s multifaceted heritage to The Sandbox.Gucci Cosmos Land
Gucci Cosmos Land brings the House’s multifaceted heritage to The Sandbox.Gucci Cosmos Land
Gucci Cosmos Land brings the House’s multifaceted heritage to The Sandbox.Gucci Cosmos Land
Gucci Cosmos Land brings the House’s multifaceted heritage to The Sandbox.Gucci Cosmos Land
Gucci Cosmos Land brings the House’s multifaceted heritage to The Sandbox.Gucci Cosmos Land
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