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Christie’s and the House present ‘Parallel Universes: From Future Frequencies to Gucci Cosmos’ on Gucci Art Space.

The archival exhibition, Gucci Cosmos, explores the House's century-spanning creativity through various thematic lenses—from the origin myth in a famed London hotel to the ongoing equestrian narrative and fascination with nature all the way to a new signature shade of red. Using generative systems, artists Alexis André, Alexis Christodoulou, Amy Goodchild, Joann, Jacqui Kenny, Thomas Lin Pedersen, Harvey Rayner, Sasha Stiles, and Melissa Wiederrecht open these narrative threads to new and abstract horizons portrayed in NFT artworks available at auction on Gucci Art Space. 


‘Parallel Universes: From Future Frequencies to Gucci Cosmos’ marks a second exploratory chapter between Christie's and Gucci on the intersectional aspects of fashion, art, and technology. The auction will be live from November 21 – 28, 2023.

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Christie’s and the House present ‘Parallel Universes: From Future Frequencies to Gucci Cosmos’ on Gucci Art Space.Archival & Algorithmic Codes
Christie’s and the House present ‘Parallel Universes: From Future Frequencies to Gucci Cosmos’ on Gucci Art Space.Archival & Algorithmic Codes

Christie’s and the House present ‘Parallel Universes: From Future Frequencies to Gucci Cosmos’ on Gucci Art Space.Archival & Algorithmic Codes
Christie’s and the House present ‘Parallel Universes: From Future Frequencies to Gucci Cosmos’ on Gucci Art Space.Archival & Algorithmic Codes
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