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Alessandro Michele chose a very particular note for new scent Gucci Guilty Absolute Pour Femme.
Gucci’s creative director imagined the scent of blackberry growing wild in a forest, which maître perfumer Alberto Morillas blended into a Chypre Fruity fragrance.

Magical and mysterious, the distinctive note invokes the legends of forests with origins in diverse cultures. A folklore setting, the enchanted forest offers an experience outside of human experience, where transformation can happen.

Many European fairytales plotlines take place in a forest. In Grimms’ Fairytales, the heroes venture into a forest. Bella Venezia, the Italian fairytale by Italo Calvino, a version of Snow White, the heroine is killed out of jealousy for her beauty, buried in a forest, where a prince goes hunting, finds her and brings her back to life. Robin Hood lives in the Sherwood Forest.

The ancient Hercynian Forest stretched across southern Germany and bordered with the Black Forest. When Julius Caesar ruled Rome, the thick woods of the Hercynian Forest blocked the advance of his troops advancing into Germany—it took nine days to march its length. Once the Romans entered the forest, stories emerged of the creatures that inhabited its depths: unicorns with a topiary-style horn, and birds featuring a plumage that shined like fire at night.
For hundreds of years, people living in rural countryside of Europe believed the forest was home to elves, spirits and fairies. Forests were wild, and dangers abounded inside their darkness. Forest spirits were thought to guard their territory and punish trespassers who were disrespectful, and help friendly humans. People’s belief in these spirits were fueled by the fear of the unknown: beware walking through the woods, where you could get lost or eat hallucinogenic plants at the hands of a cheeky fairy.

Feminine spirit Huldra from folklore of the forest of Scandanavia lured men astray with her beauty. Moss Women believed to be the guardian spirit of trees in the forests of Germany, befriended humans, showing them which plants helped with healing. 
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A note of wild blackberry in new fragrance Gucci Guilty Absolute Pour Femme inspires a discovery of forest folktales and legends. The Mythical Forest

A note of wild blackberry in new fragrance Gucci Guilty Absolute Pour Femme inspires a discovery of forest folktales and legends. The Mythical Forest
A note of wild blackberry in new fragrance Gucci Guilty Absolute Pour Femme inspires a discovery of forest folktales and legends. The Mythical Forest
  • James Sowerby, The LIFE Picture Collection, Getty Images
A note of wild blackberry in new fragrance Gucci Guilty Absolute Pour Femme inspires a discovery of forest folktales and legends. The Mythical Forest

A note of wild blackberry in new fragrance Gucci Guilty Absolute Pour Femme inspires a discovery of forest folktales and legends. The Mythical Forest
  • Interior of Woods, William Trost Richards, 1854
A note of wild blackberry in new fragrance Gucci Guilty Absolute Pour Femme inspires a discovery of forest folktales and legends. The Mythical Forest
A note of wild blackberry in new fragrance Gucci Guilty Absolute Pour Femme inspires a discovery of forest folktales and legends. The Mythical Forest
  • Common blackberry, Rubus fruticosus, Getty Images
A note of wild blackberry in new fragrance Gucci Guilty Absolute Pour Femme inspires a discovery of forest folktales and legends. The Mythical Forest
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