In a new film and photo series created in collaboration with the House, Vogue explores how character can transform with the sartorial streetwear of Alessandro Michele’s new collection.
Reflecting on the Exquisite Gucci collection, Alessandro Michele writes, “The clothes, in fact, are capable of reflecting our image in an expanded and transfigured dimension. As a theatrum catoptricum polydicticum, clothes offer themselves as makers of manifold. Wearing them, means to cross a transformative threshold where we become something else; it means to be able to enhance and articulate in a different way our identity and our exhibiting potential.”
Inspired by the kaleidoscopic vision of the Creative Director, Vogue presents a visual narrative lensed by Joshua Woods that portrays the expressive potential of the collection. Styled by Ola Ebiti, each protagonist brings a unique facet of personality to the streets of London. From tailored suits crafted in GG monogram fabrics to sleek latex look, soft GG Matelassé leather bags to the studded Gucci Bamboo 1947 bag from the House’s Beloved lines, the visual narrative captures the countless ways the codes of Exquisite Gucci can be interpreted.
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