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Espadrillas uomo con scritta Gucci
€ 760

Espadrillas uomo con scritta Gucci

€ 760


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Our Commitment

Gucci upholds the highest international standards of social and environmental responsibility across all its operations. From selecting and tracing raw materials to designing and crafting our products, we prioritize a "circular" approach that maintains our longstanding commitment to unparalleled quality and durability.

Through ongoing innovation and optimization of our production processes, we strive to minimize the environmental footprint of our business and the entire supply chain. Our approach involves transforming our sourcing strategy by investing in regenerative agriculture projects for the production of the raw materials used in our collections. To compensate for any remaining emissions from our direct operations and the entire supply chain, we collaborate with different partners, investing in projects focused on conserving nature and restoring biodiversity.

For more information, please visit @gucciequilibrium

Espadrillas uomo con scritta Gucci
Our Commitment

Gucci upholds the highest international standards of social and environmental responsibility across all its operations. From selecting and tracing raw materials to designing and crafting our products, we prioritize a "circular" approach that maintains our longstanding commitment to unparalleled quality and durability.

Through ongoing innovation and optimization of our production processes, we strive to minimize the environmental footprint of our business and the entire supply chain. Our approach involves transforming our sourcing strategy by investing in regenerative agriculture projects for the production of the raw materials used in our collections. To compensate for any remaining emissions from our direct operations and the entire supply chain, we collaborate with different partners, investing in projects focused on conserving nature and restoring biodiversity.

For more information, please visit @gucciequilibrium

Product Details

Stile ‎824882 FAEH9 8850

In the Spring Summer 2025 collection, a selection of men's shoes speaks of freedom and energy through a vibrant color palette. Crafted from blue and multicolor fabric, this pair of espadrilles is presented in woven cord sole and completed with a Gucci script embroidery.

  • Blue and multicolor fabric
  • Men's
  • Leather trim
  • Gucci script embroidery
  • Fabric lining
  • Cord and rubber sole
  • Foldable back
  • Flat
  • Made in Spain

I prodotti Gucci sono realizzati con materiali accuratamente selezionati. Si prega di maneggiare con cura l’articolo al fine di garantirne una maggiore durata.

  • Tenere al riparo da luce diretta, calore e pioggia. Se dovesse bagnarsi, asciugare immediatamente con un panno morbido
  • Riempire le scarpe con carta velina per mantenerne la forma e assorbire l’umidità, quindi conservarle nella loro custodia in flanella e nella scatola
  • Pulire con un panno morbido e asciutto o con una spazzola

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