구찌 인터로킹 18k 다이아몬드 목걸이
KR 36.550
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Dettagli Prodotto
Estilo 789342 J85I0 8070
Il logo Incrocio GG è presentato in nuove ed eleganti versioni per la collezione Pre-Fall 2024. Il raffinato oro rosa è abbinato a una pietra in madreperla iridescente e un pavé di diamanti. Questa collana a catena può essere abbinata ad altri accessori della stessa linea.
- 18k rose gold and mother-of-pearl stone
- Chain with Interlocking G detail
- Diamond Interlocking G pendant
- 23 white diamonds, approximately 0.063 carats
- Clasp closure with Interlocking G
- Weight: 6.3g approximately
- Made in Italy
- Gucci guarantees, internally and within its supply chain, respect for standards of Social & Environmental Responsibility in line with its sustainability strategy. Gucci gold, platinum and diamonds are certified by the Responsible Jewelry Council whose mission is to promote responsible, ethical, social and environmental practices that guarantee human rights throughout the gold and diamond supply chain, from mines to retail.
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