GG Emblem系列焕新诠释品牌的隽永优雅风范和精湛工艺。这款浅粉色卡片夹以GG Monogram涂层织物匠心打造。多隔层设计方便实用,搭配皮革腕带更添质感。
- 浅粉色GG Monogram涂层织物
- 浅粉色皮革滚边
- 塔夫绸衬里
- 内部:4个卡片隔层(每侧2个)和1个顶部卡片隔层
- 皮革腕带
- 10厘米(宽)x 7厘米(高)
- 重量:约65克
- 意大利创作
Gucci products are made with carefully selected materials. Please handle with care for longer product life.
- Protect from direct light, heat and rain. Should it become wet, dry it immediately with a soft cloth
- Store in the provided flannel bag or box
- Clean with a soft, dry cloth
配送服务 - 费用 | 自发货起的配送预估时间 |
快递 免费 | 所有欧洲国家/地区:1-2个工作日 阿联酋:2-3 个工作日 科威特、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯及其他国家/地区的偏远地区*:3-4 个工作日 |
到店自取 免费 | 1-2个工作日内完成配送 到店自取期限:14天 |
收货之日起30天内可通过快递上门服务或自行到店免费退货。您可以通过发货确认电子邮件登录MY GUCCI账户,点击“退回此商品”或者联系客户顾问申请退货。退货申请通过后,您将通过电子邮件收到预付运输标签,也可在MY GUCCI账户中获取此标签。按照所示说明安排快递方取件。
收货之日起30天内可免费换货。如需更换相同商品的不同尺码,请点击订单确认电子邮件中的链接,或登录MY GUCCI账户并前往“我的订单”部分。如有其他换货需求,请联系我们或前往Gucci门店。
Gucci accepts the following forms of payment for online purchases:
*excluding Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
For credit card payments, please note that your billing address must match the address on your credit card statement.
Please note that once your order is placed your credit card will be authorized for 0 GBP (CHF, AED, SAR or EUR for all other countries); this is for verification purposes only and will protect you from any risk of fraud. The authorized amount will be released by your credit card’s issuing bank according to its policy.
Save as otherwise stated on the website during the purchase process, the purchase transaction will only be charged to your credit card after we have verified your card details, received credit authorization for an amount equal to the purchase price of the ordered products, confirmed product availability and prepared your order for shipping.

品牌经典包装选用创作总监甄选的Rosso Ancora红色配色。在结账时,您可选择一项品牌特有的包装选项,体验个性化订单服务。请注意,图片仅供参考。