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Baskets G75 pour femme
$ 920

Baskets G75 pour femme

$ 920


Select this gift or change the color if available


Select another variation if available or contact Gucci Client Services for assistance at +4143508927


Select another variation if available or contact Gucci Client Services for assistance at +4143508927

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إضافة بريدك الإلكتروني

يُرجى إدخال بريدك الإلكتروني في حال أردت أن نبلغك وسوف نقوم بإطلاعك على المستجدات حالما يصبح المنتج متوفراً مجدداً.

Our Commitment

Gucci upholds the highest international standards of social and environmental responsibility across all its operations. From selecting and tracing raw materials to designing and crafting our products, we prioritize a "circular" approach that maintains our longstanding commitment to unparalleled quality and durability.

Through ongoing innovation and optimization of our production processes, we strive to minimize the environmental footprint of our business and the entire supply chain. Our approach involves transforming our sourcing strategy by investing in regenerative agriculture projects for the production of the raw materials used in our collections. To compensate for any remaining emissions from our direct operations and the entire supply chain, we collaborate with different partners, investing in projects focused on conserving nature and restoring biodiversity.

For more information, please visit @gucciequilibrium

Baskets G75 pour femme
Our Commitment

Gucci upholds the highest international standards of social and environmental responsibility across all its operations. From selecting and tracing raw materials to designing and crafting our products, we prioritize a "circular" approach that maintains our longstanding commitment to unparalleled quality and durability.

Through ongoing innovation and optimization of our production processes, we strive to minimize the environmental footprint of our business and the entire supply chain. Our approach involves transforming our sourcing strategy by investing in regenerative agriculture projects for the production of the raw materials used in our collections. To compensate for any remaining emissions from our direct operations and the entire supply chain, we collaborate with different partners, investing in projects focused on conserving nature and restoring biodiversity.

For more information, please visit @gucciequilibrium

Product Details

الطراز ‎812656 AADM0 6258

This pair of shoes is crafted from supple suede, exuding a sophisticated yet modern appeal. The streamlined silhouette is elegantly enhanced by the signature Interlocking G logo, adding a refined touch to the design.

  • Bordeaux suede
  • Women's
  • Canvas insert detail
  • Leather lining
  • Interlocking G logo
  • Additional pair of laces included
  • Lace-up closure
  • Flat
  • Height: 5mm
  • Made in Italy

Les produits Gucci sont fabriqués dans des matériaux sélectionnés avec la plus grande attention. Pour garantir la longévité du produit, veuillez le traiter avec soin.

  • Conservez-le à l'abri des rayons directs du soleil, de la chaleur et de la pluie. S'il vient à être mouillé, séchez-le immédiatement avec un chiffon doux
  • Remplissez les chaussures de papier de soie afin qu'elles conservent leur forme et que le papier absorbe l'humidité, puis rangez les chaussures dans la boîte et la pochette de protection en flanelle fournies
  • Pour les nettoyer, utilisez une brosse ou un chiffon doux et sec

هل يمكننا مساعدتك؟

To reach an available online Client Assistant by chat, click "live chat" for personalized advice.

للمعلومات عن المنتجات والطلبات على طريق الإنترنت، يُرجى الاتصال بنا على:
Our Client Advisors are available to answer your call from Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 7 pm, Central European Time.

To reach our online Client Assistants by email, click "email us" to provide details and your contact information.

Share on Wechat

Open WeChat, click "Discover" at the bottom, use the sweep to share the web page to WeChat.



Sizing Guide

34 34 1 35 4 3.5 210 21 21.8
34.5 34.5 1.5 35.5 4.5 4 215 21.5 22.2
35 35 2 36 5 4.5 220 22 22.6
35.5 35.5 2.5 36.5 5.5 5 225 22.5 22.9
36 36 3 37 6 5.5 230 23 23.3
36.5 36.5 3.5 37.5 6.5 6 235 23.5 23.6
37 37 4 38 7 6.5 240 24 24
37.5 37.5 4.5 38.5 7.5 7 245 24.5 24.4
38 38 5 39 8 7.5 250 25 24.7
38.5 38.5 5.5 39.5 8.5 8 255 25.5 25.1
39 39 6 40 9 8.5 260 26 25.4
39.5 39.5 6.5 40.5 9.5 9 265 26.5 25.8
40 40 7 41 10 9.5 270 27 26.2
40.5 40.5 7.5 41.5 10.5 10 275 27.5 26.5
41 41 8 42 11 10.5 280 28 26.9
41.5 41.5 8.5 42.5 11.5 11 285 28.5 27.2
42 42 9 43 12 11.5 290 29 27.6


To select the correct shoe size, follow these steps to measure your feet and refer to the foot length column in the sizing guide:

  1. Wear the socks or tights you typically wear with this type of shoe.
  2. Stand straight on a flat surface with your heel against a wall. If needed, have someone assist you with the measurements.
  3. Measure from the base of your heel, keeping it pressed against the wall, to the tip of your longest toe.
  4. Measure both feet and use the length of your longest foot as your reference in the sizing guide.
كلمة المرور المنسيّة
يُرجى إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الذي استخدمته للتسجيل، وسنرسل لك رابطاً لإعادة تعيين كلمة مرورك.
كلمة المرور المنسيّة
يُرجى إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الذي استخدمته للتسجيل، وسنرسل لك رابطاً لإعادة تعيين كلمة مرورك.
هل نسيت كلمة المرور؟
الرجاء إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الذي قمت بالتسجيل من خلاله، وسوف نرسل لك الرابط لتقوم بإعادة ضبط كلمة المرور الخاصة بك.
شكراً لك
لقد تم إرسال بريد إلكتروني يحتوي على التعليمات لإعادة ضبط كلمة المرور الخاصة بك على