Gucci Services

Complimentary Returns

Discover how to complimentary return an item following the instructions below


You can quickly return your item online by yourself following these steps:

  1. To start the return process:
  • Click here,
  • Select “Return Item(s)” from your MY GUCCI account under My Orders, or
  • Click ‘Return’ through your delivery confirmation email.
  1. Select the item(s) you would like to return and follow the instructions to process your return
  2. Once the return has been submitted, a confirmation will be emailed to you with a QR code and a prepaid shipping label attached
  3. Pack the item(s) you wish to return in the original packaging. Please note the item(s) included in the package must match the ones you selected when you generated the return request
  4. Please proceed by choosing one of the following options:
  • Download the prepaid shipping label from your MY GUCCI account,
  • Access the prepaid shipping label in your return confirmation email, or
  • Access the prepaid shipping label QR code in your return confirmation email
  1. For printed label returns, print the prepaid label and attach it to the package. For QR code returns, bring your package to the nearest shipping center and a team member will print your label using the QR code
  2. Follow the instructions in the return confirmation email to either call to schedule a pickup or to bring the package to the nearest shipping center. All returns shipped using the prepaid shipping label or QR code are complimentary
  3. Track the return shipment through the confirmation email, through your MY GUCCI account or via the tracking number on the printed shipping label
  4. Once received in the warehouse, returns will be processed within approximately 7–10 business days and credited back to the original form of payment. You will receive a confirmation email when your return has been completed. Please note it may take up to 10–15 business days for the funds to be available in your account and that any shipping charges incurred at the time of purchase are non-refundable

Please note that it is not possible to return or request a refund for international purchases.

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