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Seen watering, planting, cropping and seeding—the gardeners and volunteers who worked on Arcadia, Chatsworth’s new garden, appears in a special shoot by THE PLANT magazine
captured by Kuba Ryniewicz.
Collaborating with garden and landscape designer Tom Stuart-Smith, Gucci and Chatsworth have been working since 2019 on the transformation of the 15-acre area known as Arcadia that lies at the heart of the garden at Chatsworth.  
Arcadia is designed as a flowering landscape, with planting on an epic scale. There are open, meadow-like glades giving views out into the park, contrasting with more secret and enclosed shady walks featuring carpets of woodland flowers.  
The first location to be selected, Chatsworth is part of Gucci Places, a project to encourage people to discover interesting and unexpected stories about special places that hold a connection with the House. 
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THE PLANT Magazine captures Chatsworth’s Arcadia and its gardeners in special images. Arcadia by THE PLANT

  • Photography by Kuba Ryniewicz
THE PLANT Magazine captures Chatsworth’s Arcadia and its gardeners in special images. Arcadia by THE PLANT
THE PLANT Magazine captures Chatsworth’s Arcadia and its gardeners in special images. Arcadia by THE PLANT
THE PLANT Magazine captures Chatsworth’s Arcadia and its gardeners in special images. Arcadia by THE PLANT
THE PLANT Magazine captures Chatsworth’s Arcadia and its gardeners in special images. Arcadia by THE PLANT
THE PLANT Magazine captures Chatsworth’s Arcadia and its gardeners in special images. Arcadia by THE PLANT
THE PLANT Magazine captures Chatsworth’s Arcadia and its gardeners in special images. Arcadia by THE PLANT

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