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A special digital CHIME Zine dedicated to amplifying the youth voices of the Generation Equality Forum
 During the occasion of the Generation Equality Forum in Paris, which took place from June 30 to July 2, 2021, CHIME FOR CHANGE presented a special digital edition of the CHIME Zine, dedicated to the voices of youth activists and organizers of the Forum.
The youth leaders of the Forum together are challenging power structures and driving urgent action to resolve the world’s most pressing issues with an intersectional feminist perspective. United in this special digital edition of the Zine, the youth voices from countries around the world – including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guatemala, Kenya, Turkey, Tunisia, the United States and Zimbabwe – call for global attention on issues facing young feminists today, and to advance innovative, transformative solutions to realize a gender-equal future.
In early 2021, Gucci joined the Generation Equality Forum as the private sector lead on the Feminist Movements & Leadership Action Coalition. Convened by UN Women and co-hosted by the Governments of Mexico and France in partnership with youth and civil society, the Generation Equality Forum is designed to accelerate actions and global commitments towards gender equality, and to ensure that equality for all women is at the center of the global agenda for COVID-19 recovery and beyond.

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A special issue dedicated to the Generation Equality ForumCHIME ZINE #GenerationEquality
A special issue dedicated to the Generation Equality ForumCHIME ZINE #GenerationEquality
A special issue dedicated to the Generation Equality ForumCHIME ZINE #GenerationEquality
A special issue dedicated to the Generation Equality ForumCHIME ZINE #GenerationEquality
A special issue dedicated to the Generation Equality ForumCHIME ZINE #GenerationEquality

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