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 The new silhouette is crafted with archival inspiration.
The first handbag designed by Creative Director Sabato De Sarno, the Jackie Notte projects a vision of beauty, in design and spirit. With cues drawn from the Jackie 1961, it combines the sleek sophistication of its archival inspiration with its own distinctive allure. The smooth-edged shape is made from fine, textured patent leather with a Gucci-lettered chain strap, perfectly suited to complement evening ensembles.
더보기 ^
Highlighting the silhouette and details of the Gucci Jackie Notte.The Making of <br> the Gucci Jackie Notte
Highlighting the silhouette and details of the Gucci Jackie Notte.The Making of <br> the Gucci Jackie Notte
Highlighting the silhouette and details of the Gucci Jackie Notte.The Making of <br> the Gucci Jackie Notte
Highlighting the silhouette and details of the Gucci Jackie Notte.The Making of <br> the Gucci Jackie Notte
Highlighting the silhouette and details of the Gucci Jackie Notte.The Making of <br> the Gucci Jackie Notte
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