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An ongoing commitment rooted in respect.
The House is pleased to announce that it has become the first major luxury house to receive the Certification for gender parity in Italy, coinciding with the 2022 Gucci Equilibrium Impact Report. The certification was awarded to the House by independent global inspection and compliance experts Bureau Veritas which evaluated six key indicators: culture and strategy, governance, human resources processes, opportunities for women’s growth and inclusion, gender pay equity, and support for parenting and work-life balance.
Bureau Veritas highlighted the establishment of Gucci’s Global Equity Board and the Gender Equality Steering Committee as significant contributors to their consideration process, as well as its comprehensive parental-leave policies, welfare services, hybrid work model, and commitment to addressing gender-related issues and unconscious biases while promoting professional growth.
Marco Bizzarri, the House’s President and CEO commented: “Gucci's journey towards gender equality is an ongoing commitment rooted in respect, the same respect we have for our planet and wholeheartedly embrace in our business, as highlighted in the Gucci Equilibrium Impact Report."
More information about the House’s ongoing commitment to drive positive change for people and the planet is outlined in the newly published 2022 Gucci Equilibrium Impact report, available now on
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An award that highlights the House’s continued commitment to creating a culture of equity, inclusivity, and respect.Gender Equality at Gucci

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