- 所有商品(包括古驰美妆商品)必须保持原始状态,并附有原始标签。任何存在磨损、使用、改造或损坏痕迹的商品将不被接受。对于内衣类商品,所提供的内衣保护贴也必须保持完整。
- 对于带有退货标签的商品,仅在保留标签的情况下才支持退货。
- 定制商品或个性化定制商品一经销售,不予退换。
- 请注意,贴身衣物,包括泳装、紧身衣裤、袜子和内衣裤仅可以全新状态退回。请确保商品全新未使用,并保持商品包装以及所有标签完整。
- 椅子或非标准尺寸的家饰商品需要遵守特殊的退货说明。如果您想退回此类商品,请与我们联系。
- 在Gucci门店、Gucci奥莱店或其他零售商或分销商处购买的商品不能退回至Gucci.com。此类商品仅支持通过原始购买渠道退回。
- 如需更换相同商品的不同尺码,请访问订单确认电子邮件中的链接,或登录并前往“我的订单”。如需进行其他类型的换货,请联系我们。
- 换货申请通过后,预付运输标签将通过电子邮件发送给您。
- 使用原始包装包好您的商品,包括棉质帆布托特包以及全部配件、说明书、标签及退货标签等。请注意,您的商品必须处于未使用的崭新状态,且保护层完好无损(如适用)。
- 打印预付运输标签并将其贴到包装上,致电退货申请邮件上注明的电话号码,或完成线上退货流程时弹出的退货感谢页面上的电话号码,直接联系承运方安排取件。您还可以通过以下链接https://mydhl.express.dhl访问“MyDHL+”,或使用DHL Express移动应用程序安排取件。首先,选择您要安排取件的国家/地区,然后使用退货标签上的运单编号,选择“安排取件”选项。
- 使用预付运输标签运输的所有退货订单均为免费。请注意,对于通过其他承运方服务退回的商品,Gucci恕不负责,我们建议使用预付标签。若出于任何原因,您没有收到或找到预付运输标签,请点击此链接联系我们。
- 您可以在预付运输标签上找到承运服务跟踪编号。您可以点击此链接https://mydhl.express.dhl访问“MyDHL+”,或使用DHL Express移动应用程序,输入此编号跟踪您的退货进度。
- 我们会在仓库收到退回的商品后的14个工作日内处理换货,并将款项原路返还至您的付款账户。请注意,若退回的商品不满足我们的退货政策,我们将把商品退还给您且不予退款。
- 退货完成后,您将收到一封确认电子邮件。请注意,购买时产生的任何运费不予退还。
- 您可以前往此链接列出的门店退还不需要的商品。
- 请用原包装装好您要退还的商品,并附上您在发货确认电子邮件中收到的数字版发票的打印版本。
- 门店的顾客咨询师将很乐意帮助您处理换货事宜。
所有欧洲国家/地区 | 1-2个工作日 |
阿联酋 | 2-3个工作日 |
科威特、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯及其他国家/地区的偏远地区* | 3-4个工作日 |
Gucci Authenticity Tag是否会跟踪我的位置或关联个人信息?
为什么扫描Gucci Authenticity Tag后没有反应?
我的Gucci x Oura指环是如何工作的,它能做什么?
内置的多个先进传感器共同监测关键的身体信号。为了提供准确的数据和分析,建议一直将Gucci x Oura指环佩戴在食指上,并将传感器置于手掌一侧。
Gucci x Oura指环可以追踪睡眠、活动、心率、体温,还能预测女性经期。通过分析20余种不同的身体信号,如睡眠模式、近期活动、心率变化和体温,指环将就此提供身体状态、睡眠和活动分数。Readiness(就绪状态)旨在发现适合您身体和生活的方式,对您的身体恢复情况有深刻洞察力。
您可以在免费的Gucci x Oura应用程序(有iOS和Android版)中找到所有项目的分数。在应用程序中,有50余首关于冥想、睡眠、专注、能量提升等主题的音频录音。您听得越多,应用程序就越能确定哪些音频对您与您的身体有效。
您的数据将由Oura处理,根据GDPR要求和行业最佳实践进行保护,使用Spring Security、OAuth2安全认证协议和数据加密。
不一样,您可使用产品页上的虚拟戒指尺码测量器,帮助确定合适自己的尺寸。无论您是否已拥有一枚大小合适的戒指,是否知晓自己的Oura指环尺码(例如曾用过Oura产品),是否需要测量手指尺码或查询转换表,虚拟戒指尺码测量器均可提供多种方式供您确定Gucci x Oura指环尺码。若您仍无法确定尺码,可到访指定门店,联系专属客户顾问进行试戴,或联系我们获得指导。
Gucci x Oura指环提供终身会员资格,只需保持同一Oura账户始终活跃即可。
Can I save a payment card on MY GUCCI account?
配送服务 - 费用 | 自发货起的配送预估时间 |
快递 免费 | 所有欧洲国家/地区:1-2个工作日 阿联酋:2-3个工作日 科威特、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯及其他国家/地区的偏远地区*:3-4个工作日 |
周六配送 20 EUR 或15 GBP
| 部分地区周五下午2点(CET时间)之前订购,可在结账时选择“周六配送 |
Gucci提供个性定制选项 为您选购的商品打造别致的定制外观。
• 前往购入产品的Gucci授权零售商或任意Gucci门店
• 联系Gucci客户服务
- 前往下方链接中列出的任意一家零售商或授权服务中心。
- 联系Gucci客服。
- 为高级腕表单品提供五年全球联保。
- 为高级制表系列单品提供为期八年全球联保,另提供附加服务。
从原材料的选择和可追溯性开始,古驰保证在内部和供应链中尊重国际公认的社会和环境责任标准,坚持我们对商业道德和可持续管理的承诺。请浏览古驰数字版环境损益(EP&L)核算表了解详情,欢迎访问Gucci Equilibrium古驰平衡计划,探索更多内容。
Gucci Equilibrium古驰平衡计划将品牌所坚持的原则与所采取的行动统一,守护全人类的共同未来。欲了解更多信息,请前往equilibrium.gucci.com,或通过instagram.com/GucciEquilibrium探索Gucci Instagram官方账号,了解品牌为实现社会和环境可持续所做的努力。官网上每件商品的详情页面将突出显示我们商品的可持续特征
在美国人道协会和意大利动物权益组织的支持下,2017年,古驰宣布自2018春夏系列起全面停用皮草。发布这一决定后,古驰也加入了国际反皮草联盟的零皮草销售厂商计划。欢迎访问Gucci Equilibrium古驰平衡计划,了解古驰零皮草政策。
古驰对未来的愿景是将循环经济的原则融入设计和创作过程。为了支持这一战略,所有系列都已着重使用可回收和可再生材料,并在整个供应链中扩大塑料的可回收和再利用。品牌还增加了工业后纺织废料中纤维和材料的使用,如纱线和未使用的面料。欢迎访问Gucci Equilibrium古驰平衡计划,了解有关循环计划的更多信息。
古驰保证在内部和供应链方面尊重国际公认的社会和环境责任标准,坚持我们对商业道德和可持续管理的承诺。古驰与信赖的供应商网络密切合作,并确保其遵守古驰可持续发展准则和道德标准。欲进一步了解关于古驰在整个业务中对社会和环境可持续发展的承诺,请访问Gucci Equilibrium古驰平衡计划,阅读我们负责任的供应链相关信息,详细了解《企业可持续发展与责任政策》。
Metaverse and NFT
What is the short explanation of NFTs?
NFT stands for non-fungible token. Each token represents rights to a unique digital asset or collectible such as an avatar, wearable, skin or piece of digital art. You need a digital wallet and cryptocurrency or a digital currency in order to purchase one. Your cryptocurrency is managed by a special technology which is referred to as a blockchain—refer to question 5 in order to find out how to obtain your own NFT.
What is an NFT?
An NFT is a non-fungible token, the ownership of which is recorded on a blockchain and which is purchased using a digital wallet. You can think of the blockchain as a digital ledger of transactions that exists online, which ensures that each NFT has only one owner at any given time and keeps a record of the history of a token’s ownership. A smart contract is computer code that is associated with an NFT and runs on the blockchain. It is self-executing code which is used to create or “mint” the NFT and which controls the function and transfer of the NFT, and information regarding the terms of sale and resale of the NFT between the buyers and sellers, including any resale royalty. Each NFT is like an original piece of art or a specific instance of a signed series of numbered prints. While you can take a picture or buy a replica of a piece of art, each token has a unique ID and represents a specific instance of the digital work. This uniqueness creates provable scarcity which creates value for the NFT. Essentially, an NFT is associated with a digital asset and is purchased using a digital currency. These digital assets are most commonly unique items such as digital collectibles like avatars, wearables, skins or digital art, However, NFTs may also provide access to a community or project benefits.
What can I do with an NFT?
Once you have your NFT, you are 100% the owner of the token. Therefore, you can keep it, give it or trade it with others, just like a physical collectible. However, often there is only a limited license to the digital asset associated with the NFT and the creator(s) retain the intellectual property (including copyrights and trademarks) associated with the digital asset. The license specifies what you can and cannot do with the digital asset and the associated intellectual property. Often, the license provides the right to display the digital asset for personal, non-commercial use or to transfer the NFT to a third party on a secondary market. But the license terms can vary. It is important to read the license to understand what you can and cannot legally do with the digital asset and associated intellectual property.
What is a digital wallet and how do I get one?
A digital wallet is typically a piece of software that is used to transact with cryptocurrency and tokens. You don't actually store cryptocurrency or NFTs in your wallet. Each wallet has a unique wallet ID (referred to as a public key). Each NFT has a unique token ID. The blockchain records ownership of an NFT by associating its unique token ID with a unique wallet ID and storing that record on the blockchain. To buy or sell an NFT, the wallet owner must enter a private key (which is like a password) to authorize the transaction via the wallet. The public and private keys are cryptographically generated. With most digital wallets, you hold the keys and are in charge of your own assets. Your assets are only as safe as your private key, so it is advisable to back it up and not share it with anyone. Never give your Secret Recovery Phrase or your private key(s) to anyone or any site, unless you want them to have full control over your assets. To make the process of setting up a wallet user-friendly, there are many software wallets, such as Metamask, which equip you with a wallet address, key vault, secure login, and backup options to manage your digital assets securely. Metamask runs as a browser extension and/or mobile app, and you can be up and running in just a couple minutes. Learn more at Metamask .
How do I set up a Metamask wallet?
Open Google Chrome, Firefox or Brave on your computer and install the Metamask browser extension. Alternatively, download and install the Metamask App for iPhone or Android .
Open the app and choose “Create Wallet”. Create a username and password. Important: Make sure you safely record your Secret Recovery Phrase and store it somewhere secret and safe, as this is the only way to recover your wallet if you lose your device, or ever need to install it on another computer.
Why do I have to manage my own wallet?
We want to be sure that you can be the real owner of your NFTs, in the same way that you are the owner of physical Gucci items. This is why we want you to have your own wallet and feel comfortable controlling your own NFTs.
Can you tell me more about cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a digital currency or, more technically, a store of value that uses blockchain security to record and secure online transactions. Cryptocurrency can be used to buy goods and services. Most commonly, cryptocurrency is used to buy unique digital items such as digital collectibles like avatars, wearables, skins, or art, but more and more business are beginning to accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment. Cryptocurrency can be purchased with fiat currency (e.g., dollars) on various platforms. You should exercise caution and research in determining which kind of cryptocurrency to purchase because not all projects comply with various regulations. Ethereum (ETH) is a cryptocurrency that is accepted on the Gucci Vault.
How do I purchase ETH (Ethereum)?
You can purchase ETH through an online exchange such as Kraken, Coinbase or directly through Metamask. Once you have completed your purchase, you will be able to access your funds through Metamask or another compatible digital wallet to purchase an NFT. Please keep in mind that there are limits on how much you can buy and sell based on your account and the platform you are using.
Which are the most used blockchains and what is gas?
Ethereum is the most frequently used blockchain. It requires “gas” to use—you can think of this as being similar to a processing fee for each transaction. You must have enough ETH in your wallet for the cost of your purchase and the gas. The gas fee enables your transaction to be processed on this network and to be stored on the blockchain. The gas fee per transaction can fluctuate based on network supply and demand. You can set a gas limit as the maximum amount of gas you are willing to use on any given transaction. If the actual amount of gas needed turns out to be lower than the limit you specified, the remaining gas will be returned to you. But if your limit is too low, either your transaction will not be processed or the transaction will fail and you may lose that gas. When making your purchase, your wallet can facilitate the calculation of the estimated gas price to make the transaction. See here for more information on how Metamask estimates gas fees.
What is an NFT marketplace?
Following the end of the primary sales, your NFTs are automatically visible and tradeable on OpenSea – the leading open NFT marketplace - and potentially on other platforms. NFT marketplaces enable creators and collectors to buy, sell and create. After connecting your wallet, you can purchase, auction or sell a wide range of NFTs.
Trust & Safety
There are risks associated with using Internet and blockchain based products (like NFT and Cryptocurrencies), including, but not limited to, the risk associated with hardware, software, and Internet connections, the risk of malicious software introduction, and the risk that third parties may obtain unauthorized access to your third-party wallet or Internet accounts through scams and frauds. We care deeply about maintaining and protecting the security of all of our users and guarantee a safe shopping experience, you should be aware of those risks and follow carefully the specific guidelines provided by the service provider (eg: Discord Trust & Safety, OpenSea Users Safety, MetaMask Privacy & Security, Sandbox Account and Wallet Security).
To use our service, you must use a third-party wallet which allows you to engage in transactions on a blockchain. Gucci does not have custody or control over any blockchain, digital wallet or digital wallet private keys or other third-party technology or services that you may use in connection with accessing our services (“Third-Party Tools”). We are not responsible and shall not be liable for any loss or damages you may incur as a result of using any Third-Party Tools. Any links or references we provide to any Third-Party Tools are for convenience only and we do not approve, monitor, endorse, warrant, or make any representations with respect to Third-Party Tools. All use of Third-Party Tools is at your own risk. NFTs exist only by virtue of the ownership record maintained by the relevant blockchain (e.g., Ethereum network). Any transfers or sales occur on the associated blockchain (e.g., Ethereum). We cannot effect or otherwise control the transfer of ownership of any NFTs or associated digital assets. NFT transactions are generally irreversible. We are not responsible or liable for any sustained losses or injury due to user error or any failure or errant behavior of software (e.g., wallet, smart contract), blockchains, or any other features of the NFTs. You understand and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and that we expressly disclaim any warranties of any kind, either express or implied.
What is 10KTF x Gucci?
A trip from Rome to New Tokyo begins the next stage of Gucci’s venture into the metaverse. Led by curiosity and a passion for timeless wonders, the House joins one of the finest digital artisans, Wagmi-san, to usher in a new era of creativity across dimensions.
What does a Mint Pass do?
A Mint Pass grants holders the ability to mint an NFT from the 10KTF x GUCCI collection. This Mint Pass will come in the form of a Digital Magic Globe, gifted by the House to Wagmi-san and their respective communities. The Magic Globe is a single-use Mint Pass that will expire on March 18th at 11:55 PM PT.
What are the drop mechanics?
The drop will happen in 4 phases:
▪ Allowlist registration beginning on Mar 9th, 2022 at 10 AM PT and ending on March 11th, 2022 at 10 AM PT.
▪ Mint Pass Sale (Allowlist) – March 14th, 2022 at 10 AM PT.
▪ Mint Pass Sale (Reserve List) - March 15th (if applicable).
▪ Mint Pass Redemption – March 16th at 10 AM PT to March 18th at 11:59 PM PT.
▪ Final NFT Reveal – March 23rd
What are you able to mint using your Mint Pass?
Your Mint Pass will transform to a unique and personalized NFT envisioned by Gucci and carefully crafted by Wagmi-san.
How do I redeem my Mint Pass?
In order to redeem your Mint Pass you will need at least one Mint Pass and one NFT belonging to one of the NFT projects listed below (the “NFT Projects”). Once you redeem your Mint Pass, you’ll receive a placeholder while Wagmi-san is crafting your unique and personalized NFT, which will be revealed on March 23rd. You will then have to burn the Mint Pass in order to redeem. The NFT Projects include:
1. World of Women
2. Gutter Cat Gang
3. Cool Cats
4. 0N1 Force
5. Bored Ape Kennel Club
6. Bored Ape Yacht Club
7. Mutant Ape Yacht Club
8. Pudgy Penguins
9. Forgotten Runes Wizards Cult (excluding Forgotten Souls)
10. CrypToadz
11. Wolf Game
What if I do not redeem my Mint Pass in time?
Your Mint Pass will expire on March 18th, 2022 at 11:55 PM PT and will no longer be valid to redeem.
What if I decide not to redeem my Mint Pass during the Redemption Period?
You have the option to transfer or sell your Mint Pass during the Redemption Period, but it will expire on March 18th, 2022 at 11:59 PM PT and will no longer be valid.
Can I redeem multiple Mint Passes using the supported NFT Projects?
Up to two Mint Passes can be redeemed using each supported NFT Project.
What are the allowlists for the drop?
There are three allow lists: (1) a 10KTF Discord community allowlist; (2) a GUCCI Discord community allowlist; and (3) an NFT Projects allowlist Mint Passes are available to eligible participants via allowlist verification process powered by premint.xyz.
When can I apply to be on an allowlist?
You can apply to be on an allowlist on 10KTF.com/shop on March 9th beginning at 10 AM PT and ending on March 11th at 10 AM PT.
Who qualifies to register for an allowlist?
There are few ways to qualify for the allowlists:
▪ Holders of 10KTF NFTs (excluding 10KTF Stockroom) who have held through the March 3rd, 2022 snapshot
▪ Members of the Gucci Discord community with the “Explorer” role
▪ Holders of any of the 10KTF supported NFT Projects
Once you've met at least one of the criteria above, you must successfully verify your wallet address, Twitter, and Discord via premint.xyz to register.
Does signing up for an allowlist guarantee that I will be offered a Mint Pass?
No. Allowlist signups will be gathered by premint.xyz, which will verify whether you’re eligible and make a blind determination on which eligible participant can purchase a Mint Pass on March 9th. Neither GUCCI nor 10KTF determine who will make it onto an allowlist. Even if you don’t make it onto an allowlist, you might still be able to purchase a Mint Pass if you make it onto the Reserve List. See below for details.
Is being on an allow list the only way to be eligible to get a Mint Pass?
Some Mint Passes will be made available in other ways. See below.
How many Mint Passes will be released?
A total of 5000 Mint Passes will be released:
▪ 950 passes will be given as community rewards
▪ 100 passes will be held for team members and friends of GUCCI and 10KTF
▪ 1000 will be held for 10KTF Discord community
▪ 1000 will be held for GUCCI Discord community
▪ 1950 will be held for NFT Project owners
▪ Any remaining Mint Passes may be placed on a Reserve List. (See below.)
How will the 1950 NFT Project allowlist will be allocated?
The 1950 PFP owners allowlist spots will be allocated pro rata based on the number of entries submitted to each of the 11 lists. For example, if 10% of the total entries are from the Bored Ape Yacht Club community, then 195 of the 1950 total allowlist spots will be given to that community.
How will I find out if I’ve made it onto an allowlist or the Reserve List?
After registration, you will be able to come back to 10ktf.com/shop on March 10th to find out if you’ve been placed on either list.
Can I register for more than one allowlist?
Each registered wallet address can only be granted one allowlist spot. You can register your wallet for different allowlists so long as you’re eligible to participate in the multiple allowlists. For example, if you’re a holder of a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT, and a holder of a 10KTF NFT (excluding 10KTF Stockroom), you can participate in each allowlist. Once a wallet address has been selected by premint.xyz, the address will be skipped if it is chosen again through its blind selection process.
What is the Reserve List?
After 3950 registrants are selected by premint.xyz for the allowlist, additional registrants may be selected for the Reserve List. If selected for the Reserve List, you will have a chance to purchase unclaimed Mint Passes on March 15th, 2022.
Which blockchain are these NFTs minted on?
The 10KTF x GUCCI NFTs are minted on the Ethereum blockchain.
Where can I purchase the Mint Pass?
All primary sales are conducted only through 10KTF.com/shop. Secondary sales will take place on Opensea or other secondary marketplaces.
What do I do if I own a supported NFT Project and really want a Mint Pass but did not make it to the allowlist?
Mint Pass holders have the option to sell or transfer their Mint Passes on secondary markets between March 14th - 18th. Neither 10KTF nor GUCCI is responsible, however, for any secondary sale activity and cannot guarantee you will be able to find Mint Passes once the primary sale concludes.
Do the 10KTF Gucci Grail items include additional utility?
The 10KTF Gucci Grail Mint Pass is a single-use Mint Pass and will offer no future benefit beyond access to the 10KTF Gucci Grailed NFT. However, in addition to owning a unique NFT crafted by Wagmisan and designed by Gucci, owning a 10KTF Gucci Grailed NFT may qualify you for future drops and/or utility included in the Vault and 10KTF roadmaps. For more information, please join the official GucciVault and 10KTF Servers on Discord.
Does SUPERGUCCI include a physical element as well as an NFT?
Yes, the opportunity to request a handcrafted ceramic statue is included with each NFT. For the first drop, anyone who had the Janky NFT in their wallet on June 17, 2022, were able to decide if they would like to claim a statue, or not. The physical element will continue to be optional for the second NFT drop.
What is the price of each SUPERGUCCI NFT?
On February 1, 2022, the first NFT drop featuring Janky was minted at 1.5 ETH. It can currently be purchased on secondary marketplaces such as OpenSea where prices vary. The second drop, featuring Guggimon, is airdropped for free to anyone who had an NFT from the first SUPERGUCCI drop.