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In the forthcoming film by Ridley Scott, Oscar-winning costume designer Janty Yates drew from the House’s archives for the wardrobe of Lady Gaga, protagonist of the film.
Captured in stills from the ‘House of Gucci’ film, Lady Gaga wears a long-sleeved dress with the House’s GG monogram and leather detailing from 1969, a silk shirt with bow detail and GG motif and a suede handbag with squared G pattern and bamboo handle from the 1970s, all taken directly from the Gucci Archive, whose new home has just been unveiled within the historic Palazzo Settimanni in Florence, Italy.
In preparation for the film, Janty delved deep into the characters and the times they lived in in order to provide an authentic narrative in terms of costume design. “My director’s brief was to not go too ‘over the top,’ but to emphasize their character traits,” she said, referring to the input of Ridley Scott, with whom she has worked frequently (including on ‘Gladiator,’ for which she won an Academy Award).
>Discover more about the Gucci Archive by listening to our podcast episode below.
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Oscar-winning costume designer Janty Yates drew from the House’s archives for ‘House of Gucci’.House of Gucci

Oscar-winning costume designer Janty Yates drew from the House’s archives for ‘House of Gucci’.House of Gucci

Janty Yates “For Lady Gaga, who had said she wanted to be dressed like her Italian mama…I had her own archive and the glorious Gucci Archive to draw from.”

Oscar-winning costume designer Janty Yates drew from the House’s archives for ‘House of Gucci’.House of Gucci
Oscar-winning costume designer Janty Yates drew from the House’s archives for ‘House of Gucci’.House of Gucci
Oscar-winning costume designer Janty Yates drew from the House’s archives for ‘House of Gucci’.House of Gucci

Listen to an episode of the Gucci Podcast on the importance of keeping an archive alive with Valerie Steele, who collaborated on the layout and curation of the public spaces of the Gucci Archive, and Vogue fashion journalist Luke Leitch.

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