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As a child, Andy Hung would spend hours creating buildings and characters with Lego.
Instead of packing away his bricks for his future children, Andy never stopped playing with them, not only constructing cities and buildings of his homeland in China, such as the Forbidden City in Beijing, but also trying to show, with these plastic pieces, the nuances of its culture. Now the artist based in Hong Kong, specializes in custom Lego creations. He’s behind the Lego reproduction of one of Gucci’s signature bags, the Sylvie, for the Gucci exhibit The Artist is Present curated by Maurizio Cattelan, to show at Yuz Museum in Shanghai from Oct 11-Dec 16. Using over 1,000 pieces of Lego, standard and custom-shaped, Andy’s work completed over three weeks reproduces the structured shape of the bag. “The toughest part was trying to replicate the texture and shape of the leather to create similar lines and look to the bag,” Andy said. The artist is already working on his next project—recreating in lifelike sizes, the soldiers of the Terracotta Army complete with chariots and cavalry horses.
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Looking at one of the works in the exhibit The Artist is Present, the Sylvie bag constructed in Lego by artist Andy Hung. The Lego Sylvie

Looking at one of the works in the exhibit The Artist is Present, the Sylvie bag constructed in Lego by artist Andy Hung. The Lego Sylvie
Looking at one of the works in the exhibit The Artist is Present, the Sylvie bag constructed in Lego by artist Andy Hung. The Lego Sylvie
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